ciNE65 : Where to view the short films? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

ciNE65 : Where to view the short films?

It has been a week since ciNE65 had revealed the results of it's short film competition. There are those who still wonder who ciNE65 is and where can you get to view the must acclaimed short films.
Fret not as we shed some light on ciNE65.

Just grab a popcorn and read on!

Who is ciNE65?
ciNE65 is a short film competition for film-makers to share stories about Singapore. It is organised by Nexus. This year's event marks the 2nd time ciNE65 is held, with the inaugural run in 2011. This year theme was "I'll be there for you, Singapore."

In case you are wondering, NEXUS is a MINDEF department responsible for Total Defence and National Education. It seeks to develop a sense of nationhood among Singapore. Initially, I was surprised at the existence of this unit. Upon witnessing the event, I must say I am impress with this government link setup and in particular the organisation of ciNE65.

I will be there for you
There are 2 categories in this year's competition. They are namely the Student and the Open categories. All 166 entries were of good standard with a few hidden gems standing out. We think some of these gems deserve a shout out and they are as follows. Here is our Top 5 lists from the award winners.

Open Category
  • Priceless
Winner of “Overall Best Film” and“Best Screenplay”
A visit to the principal's office over an innocent dispute brings about an invaluablelesson on the significance of defending one's own and being there for whatreally matters.

  • 忘不了Unforgettable
Winner of “Best Direction” and “Best Sound Design”
Ah Ma goes on her usual visits to see her granddaughter. Little does she knowthat this particular trip will lead her on an adventure down memory lane. Shetravels through the streets of Singapore, visiting an old abandoned cinema, theshop houses at Chinatown and a timeless old grocer.
She finally reaches her destination and rings the doorbell. An unfamiliar facegreets her, and throws her into a state of confusion as she wanders back outonto the streets, trying to recapture her lost memories.
Student Category

  • Going Away
Winner of “Overall BestFilm”

A young lady struggleswith her decision and talks to her family members and friends about herintention of leaving the life she is used to, to pursue something different.The people around her remind her of the things she will miss but it is becauseof these people that she considered this decision in thefirst place.

  • Journey
Winner of “BestCinematography”
Travel with the protagonist on his painstakingjourney as he appreciates the things that we, at times, take for granted.

Audience's Choice
  • Honey

Favourite Film award
A young boy faces the hard truth ofhaving his brother leave overseas. His quirky grandfather takes him on anouting to teach him a short but sweet lesson.
YouTube Chanel
So where can you find all these little gems?

For the whole selection of ciNE65 short film selections, head down to their Youtube website. We recommend that you subscribed to the site. If you have Apple TV, it will be easy to navigate to the site and watch at your own leisure on the big screen. Great for a lazy weekend show at the comfort of your home.

These films remind me of why I am proud to born and bred in Singapore.I reckoned this will be one of the Wacky Duo's favourite channel once they get to see short films that they can related to that are based on Singapore. They have already started watching some of it and are already asking the who, what , when, where and the ever endearing why questions.
Find all the answers to ciNE65 at the following links

Official website:
Don't forget our giveaway in conjuction with ciNE65. The full details are avaliable here!

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