Wild Life Sydney Zoo : Review - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Wild Life Sydney Zoo : Review

The Wild Life Sydney Zoo is a wildlife park located in the heart of Sydney. It was initially opened in 2006 as Sydney Wildlife world and since rebranded to Wild Life Sydney in September 2011.

Facts on Autralian Wild Life
The zoo primarily host Australia wildlife. The main difference from a typical zoo is that it is almost entirley enclosed and air conditioned. Located next to Mdm Tussads and Sydney Aquarium, it is one of the trio of indoor attractions in Darling Harbour that you can visit ... Rain or shine!
New exhibits
The place was not big as a typical zoo. There is a 1 km path that goes one loop around the 7000 square metres of enclosures. We think the distance is fine to walk for young lads like us.
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Do not expect to see Elephants or Giffares as they are to 'native' to Australia. Rather expect the familiar Koalas, kangeroos and wallabies. We heard this is home to REX, the 5 meters saltwater Croc.

Beware, koalas ahead
We started off with the butterfly tropics, a relatively open exhibit of various butterflies, birds and occasion snakes.
Butterflies and snakes
Further in we were intoduce to kangeroos, wombats and koalas. We could not see much of the koalas as most of them were fast asleep high up on the branches.
Insert koalas

Wombat rider
We got to the 2nd level open space where the kangeroos and wallabies roam.

There we spotted Rex from above. It looks huge from this angle! Rex belongs to the family of the world's largest reptile.
Luckily for us, it is hibernating in the winter and does not seem to take an interest in us.
Meet Rex
This is where we get up close and personal with the kangeroos as well.

We met this little hedgehog along the way and made fast friends with it.
Hello friend
The Zoo also houses Australia Largest lizards, the Perentie. These lizards can grow up to as big as 2.5 metres. In comparison, we are glad that the Singapore lizard only measures 10cm long.
Australia largest lizards

There are other variety of lizards as well.
The zoo also houses the Tazmania Devils, but we have a difficult time trying to spot it within its habitat. Other Australian animals includes the cassowary, pademelon, ghost bats, greater bilby and a Bugs garden.
It is amazing to see a zoo build within an urban environment. If you have an apartment next to the zoo, you probably can see the koalas from where you are staying.

I think the star of the Wild Life Zoo would probably be Rex. There is even a statue build especially for him at the Kakadu Gorge.
Don't eat me
The tour around the attractions was done within an hour and a half. In comparison to Tangora Zoo, we think it would be worthwhile to take the 12 minutes cruise out to the open air zoo where you would see a larger variety of animals in a natural setting.

However if you have limited time and would like to visit Sydney Wild Life, this could be a quick option. Together with Mdm Tussads and Sydney Aquarium, you would probably be able to cover 3 major Sydney attractions in one full day at Darlinr Harbour. It is also cheaper to go online and get a combo pass covering these attractions rather than getting it on site.
Bye Rex!
The Little Details
Darling Habour, next to Sydney Aquarium
Opens 9am-6pm (depending on seasons)
Single walk in visit : Adults $36, Child $20.
There are promotional rates online that offers generous discounts.

For more of our Sydney adventures, do click on the picture below!

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