Australian Museum : Hype Park - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Australian Museum : Hype Park

Entrance to Australian Museum
It was suppose to be a day reserved for whale watching. Unfortunately our whale watching trip was cancelled due to bad weather. Since Sydney offers a lot of alternative opportunities for sight seeing, we decided to venture to the Australian Museum.

The Austrailian Museum is just located a stone throw away from our Meriton apartment. The first thing that caught our eye at the entrance was a large skeleton of the Sperm Whale. Guess we did managed to do whale watching albeit of a different kind.

Lo's favourite Koala
There were more animals on site. However compared to the wild life zoo or the Taronga zoo, these animals have already past their prime. It did not deter Louis from posing with one of his Australia favourite... The Koala bear.

Our first stop was the Skeletons exhibit on the ground floor. In the room there were skeletons of all shapes and sizes fom the dinosaurs to human remains. We were not sure if the skeletons displayed were real or replica, but we were not too keen to find out either. So it was a quick troop in and out of the exhibit and into the next hall.

Skeletons galore
We proceed to the 2nd floor and was greeted by rows of stuff birds and insects. We lost count of the numerous birds on display, but we did have fun exploring the insects section.

Insects and birds
Further in, we reached the highlight of Australian Museum- the dinosaurs exhibit.

The sight of the large dinosaurs bones was awe inspiring. We were amazed at the display and wonder why we could not see these mammoth creatures in the zoo.

Dinosaur liar
Daddy had to explain that these dinosaurs have already extinct and disappeared from the world. Should they still exist today, we may have a difficult time to co-exist with the, due to their sizes. In addition, we would probably end up as desserts for some of them.

Back to the Stone Age
There were a lot of variety of dinosaurs on display. From the well known tyrannosaurs to triceratops to raptors. The trip to the museum also reminded me of my birthday celebration in school with dinosaurs as a theme. A mini excavation site was also at the exhibit for us to relive our Indiana Jones moments.

Don't bite me!
An interesting section next to the Diosaurs would be the Surviving Australia segment.

Surviving Australia
No they are not talking about suntan oils or surfboards for summer , not are they talking about jackets for the cool winter days. Instead this section focus on past prehistoric animals that's were found in Australia before the time of man. Here you will find prehistoric animals native to Australia. They were the fathers of Kangeroos, wombats and Koala bears.

Way cool... Way creepy.
Ancestors of modern Aussie animals
The creepy atmosphere continues with the Addams family. Right next to the dinosaur exhibit is a small exhibit of various Addams family drawings. We were actually expecting a lot more on the Addams family, but we got a teaser instead.
Ho hum.

Addams family
Perhaps the main draw at the Australian museum would be the Kidspace section. For children under 5 ( and siblings ) , this sections is meant to be a chill out area for kids filled with toys and small exhibits.

There is also a diaper changing area in the vicinity. We were however more interested in the toys section.

Kidspace- Australia museum
The museum trip took us about 2 hours. Since we have a whole day to spare, we decided to take a walk at the hype park.

Sydney eye
The hype park is the oldest public park in Sydney. Spawning 40 arces , it is located within the Sydneyn CBD and right next to the Australian Museum.

Hype park
Do look out for the famed Archibald fountain in the park. The park holds many other monuments such as Captain Cook Stature and the Obelisk.

Archibald fountain
Right across the Archibald fountain is the St Mary's Catherdral. St Mary's Cathedral represents the spiritual origins of the Catholic Church in Australia and is recognized by the Vatican to be a minor basilica, a title bestowed to a few selected churches around the world.

We recommend a trip within the Catherdral to be inspired by it's Gothic architecture. It was also a good opportunity for us to give thanks to Jesus for making this trip a pleasant one.

St Mary's cathedral
The park and the church visit takes about an hour. For those tired legs after so much walking, we recommend a trip into Sydney shopping belt at Westfield , where the Sydney eye is located. There you could refill your stomach before ending the day with a well deserved shopping trip.
With that , we ended another a day of laid back fun at sweet Sydney.

For more on our Sydney escapades, do click on the link below.

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