Mid Autumn Festival @ Gardens By the Bay - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Mid Autumn Festival @ Gardens By the Bay

Mid Autumn Festival comes to the Gardens
Mid Autumn Festival comes to Gardens for the very first time.

From 13th Sep to 22 Sep, Gardens by the Bay will be illuminated by a dazzling array of lantern displays, cultural performances and activities to celebrate 中秋节. The Festival features a fascinating array of lanterns lighting up the Gardens from the Silver Garden all the way around the edge of the Dragonfly through to the Meadow Bridge. Don't miss the surprise highlight at the Supertree Grove.
And the good news?

All these are held outdoors at the main gardens and are open to the public free of charge!
But before we give you a glimpse of the beautiful lanterns displays, let us bring you on a mini tour in the Flower Dome.
Mid Autumn @ the Flower Dome
The Flower Dome is known for its ever changing displays of flowers. For this Mid Autumn Festival, from 9 Sep to 6 Oct, flowers like Begonias, Chrysanthemum, Astilbe and Celosias, and lanterns share the centerstage with 3 giant Dragonflies.

We were impressed with the cheery colours of the Centerstage. This is probably one of the most colourful display we had seen the Flower Dome clothe in.
Lanterns and Flowers
Peppered along the trees are lanterns of various shapes and sizes that adds to charm of Mid Autumn Festival. We had an enjoyable time just soaking in the atmosphere.
Mooncakes and Flowers
Feeling hungry?

There was even boxes of mooncakes laid on a table. It was an inviting sight and we did wish we had a mooncake to enjoy upon seeing it. Do you know that eating mooncakes is actually a chinese tradition to express love for family and a happy life?
We love mooncakes already!

You will be please to know that from 13th to 22nd Sep 2013 , there is a 15% off admission to the cool conservatories. Limited to 4 discount tickets for Local Residents. The cooled conservatives are having a special extended admission hours from 9am to 11pm.
There is also a Snap and Win contest from 13 to 22 Sep. Simply share an interesting photo of the lantern displays, Mid Autumn Themed Flower Display or other exciting performances. Just # midautumnatgb and #gardensbythebay and stand a chance to win a memorabilia package.

'Angry Birds' Lantern Time
After a tour around the Flower Dome, nightfalls.
This can only mean it is time to whip out our Angry bird lanterns for a walk outdoor around the Main Gardens.
Lanterns at Silver Garden
As mentioned earlier the lantern displays spans from Silver Garden to the tip of the Gardens on the other end at the Medow Bridge. It is not an easy walk especially if you have young tots on tow. We recommend that you travel light or with a stroller, as a complete walk around the Gardens will be a minimum 1 hour. Alternatively you could choose to explore different segments at different nights as the lantern displays will be held nightly all the way through 22 September.
Special fireworks display lasting 3 minutes long will be held on 17th Sep at 845pm and 21st Sep at 8pm at the Meadows.
Lantern time
The Silver Garden house the 12 Constellation. There is also a riddle stage , vertical chess and sky lanterns on site.
Part of the 12 Constellation : Scorpio, Pisces and Leo . Guess which one is us?
The display that probably has the most wow would be the Dragon on Dragonfly lake. We love the reflection of the lanterns off the water. It literally doubles the beauty of the lanterns.
Lantern at Dragonfly Lake
We do suggest you start your journey from the Silver Garden so you can walk one round the circumference of the Gardens without missing a display.
The Map
Dragonfly Lake
It is a long way from the Silver Garden, so to distract the little ones, ask them to spot these frogs. Count the number of frogs and stand a chance to win $100 Sakae hampers and $50 Vouchers
Find the Sakae Frogs at the Gardens
The impressive lantern displays continues towards the end of the Dragonfly Lake.
House of Knowledge

The House of knowledge is probably the largest lantern display on site and it is one of the most impressive lanterns we have seen to date.The Birds and Insects Paradise is around the corner.

Next up at the Meadows, you will come face to face with our favourite, the Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park. This movable display is located directly behind the Baby ( Marc Quin Planet) at the Gardens. At the Meadows itself, there is a large stage for nightly performances. Full schedule of the performances can be found here.

Several fundraising activities will be held during the celebrations, with all proceeds going to President’s Challenge 2013. These include releasing water lanterns and sky lanterns.
Located within the same vicinity are the food street, Malay Culture, Indian Culture, Chinese Culture and world of fairytale displays.

Lastly don't miss the 3D Pandora Exhibition by Keppel Club located at the Supertree Grove. It is a 3D display inspired by Avatar. Unfortunately during this visit, we were a little exhausted after the long walk and had to skip it. However we do hear that it is one of the more interesting displays on site. Don't take our word for it, check it out yourselves.

For a glimpse, do visit Dejiki.com, a new friend we made during the evening for his coverage. You catch also catch a review at fellow Daddy bloggers Sengkang Babies and Cheekiemonkies.

If you have not done your moonwalk, do not fret. The actual Mid-Autumn Festival is on this Thursday on 19th Sep. The lanterns will be at the Gardens till 22 Sep.

A special thanks to Gardens By the Bay for arranging this evening walk. It was a charming occasion to catch up with old friends and to meet new ones over delectable mooncakes and majestic lanterns.

Gardens by the Bay Permanent Lanterns : Supertrees!


  1. Yup, we realise it will be hard for your kiddos to catch up :) hope they enjoy Avatar too !

    1. We actually got lost after the first stop at Silver garden. Miss the Pandora 3D as we could not find it and my little one was feeling unwell. Nevertheless can still experience it via your post :)


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