WowArts Art Lessons for kids : ArtPlay Review - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

WowArts Art Lessons for kids : ArtPlay Review

WowArt Studio
It had been almost a term since Little Lou attended his art classes at WowArt. Given that I had practically attended almost half the class with him,due to his exceptionally shy behaviour in class, I can probably review the classes from a parent's perspective.

For a look back on Little Lou's journey at WowArt , here are the following posts.
My First WowArt Lesson
WowArt  : The Learning Continues
WowArt : Double Pleasure
Children's masterpiece
The school
WowArt learning studio is located at #01-10 Thomson Imperial Court, 200 Upper Thomson Road. Step into the school and you will be greeted by a bright red and yellow hue walls adorned with 'masterpieces' from the students at WowArt.
Cheery interior
There is a total of 4 classrooms at WowArt. There are a few benches and a comfy chair located at the end of the corridor for the parents to chill while waiting for their children. Newspapers and magazines are provided for their reading pleasure too. There are shoe racks for children and parents to place their footwear at the entrance.

The bright and cheery entrance is a welcoming sight. It is actually quite a relaxing environment to sit back and read the papers while waiting or the children.
Shoes rack
Wifi is included in case you intend to do a little web surfing while you are there.
What impressed me most are the creations from the students. It is remarkable how these art pieces look so professional even when they are done by children as young as 2.5 years.
There are namely 5 main courses catering to different age group and experiences of the students. They are namely Artplay, Artstart, Artalive, Artkidz and Young Artist.
Little Lou had attended the Artplay courses for ages 2 years 6months to 4 years old. All classes are drop off classes. However for Artplay, the teachers do allow parents to pop in when necessary
In addition, parents can peek at their children and observe them via the large windows, so given the setting, it does give both parent and child a peace of mind while attending the classes.
The course that Little Lou was invited to experience was Artplay. The course emphasis on creative play and exploration.
WowArt uniform
Classes usually began with a 'warm up' session by the teachers consisting of mini games and stories to introduce the theme of the week. There are preassigned themes for the classes every week. This structured approach ensures that students will be expose to various themes and methods of creating an art piece .
Teacher Kim
The classes are kept to a maximum of 5 students per session. There is an extensive introduction to different mediums and techniques every week. There will be painting using different tools, clay modelling, use of recycled materials to create different artwork.
Masterpiece in making
All creations by the students varies from one another. The courses focus on individuality and independence. There are no set right or wrong in the class. It is up to the individual child how they would like to create. The teachers may help in certain instances to direct the child. However 90% of the artwork are self created by the child.
Little Lou's masterpiece
Compared to a formal art class, there is less emphasis on the technique of art. There are no still life to draw, nor sketches to etch. Rather, the focus is on exposing the child to different form of art and the different medium used. That way, the child would experience a variety of techniques in the classes. Given the age group, this might be a good introduction for toddlers to Arts. Most importantly, it is apparent that most students enjoyed their lesson and the parents enjoyed their creations.

Even Little Lou, who had a tendency to kick up a fuss pre class as he does not want to attend on his own, mellowed down and was totally engrossed in the process of creating his own masterpiece once he got in class.

Check out his 'masterpieces ' that he made throughout the term

Main medium. : Clay
Methods: Painting, sponging and designing

Robot 2
Main medium :  Mixed
Methods, Pasting, Painting, sponging

Medium : Clay
Methods : Imprint and painting
Medium :Mix Medium
Methods : Painting and wiring
Pen holder
Medium : Clay
Method : Painting, molding and designing
Pen holder
Medium : Paper
Method : Use of shape tools, painting and sprinkling
Each Student will get an art bag to keep their artwork after class.

To find out more head down to WowArt website or contact them at
Phone : 6352 2221

Little Lou was invited to a semester of Artplay with WowArt. No monetary rewards were received and all opinions are of our own,

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