Cool De Sac : Suntec City Latest Indoor Playground - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Cool De Sac : Suntec City Latest Indoor Playground

Cool De Sac
It has been a while since we have a chance to explore a new indoor playground. So when we got wind of the latest indoor playground opening from fellow Blogger JBabies, we figured that this would be a good excuse opportunity to head down to town to explore Singapore latest playground, Cool de sac.
Cool de sac is opened at the newly renovated Suntec City... Well actually it is opened at the still-under-renovation Suntec City. We did got a little lost when looking for the place, but when we found it, grins were all over our faces that seemed impossible to wipe.

Play time
The first impression was this place looked refreshing and clean. There were no mega playground structures, but it is a massive place filled with pockets of interesting areas. The areas are divided into Play Area, Tree House, Arts, Blocks, Back Stage, Tweens and Tots. With 6 zones waiting for us to explore, let's not procrastinate !

Play area
The first thing that capture your eye as you walk past the entrance is the Play Area. It has a 2.5 story slides and pockets of space for children to roam. Here is a ball pit hidden at the back together with some swinging structures. It is not the biggest structure we had seen but since this is just one of the 6 zones within the premises. It is sufficient for us to play in it before we move on to the other parts of the indoor playground.
Well padded, this area should be suitable for young tots age 3- 7.
Let's slide!

Tree house
For the older or more stable children, the tree house is a welcoming sight. It is not padded, but older children would have no issue claiming up the ropes, walking the bridge or sliding down the fireman pole.
Can I pass?
There is even a Firefox station that children can play under supervision from the staff.
Flying Fox!
The tree house area had also a small corner for the younger ones to roam. It is a little bare, but it gives space for the children to ran about.
Play area
Arts Zone
Moving on, the next station caught us by surprise. The Art zone is a free arts and craft activity area for children. Just take the paper available and draw away. Don't be fooled by the picture above ( it was taken near closing time) , this zone proved popular with parents and kids.
We were there on a Saturday evening and this place was absolutely packed. On that point, you may like to visit it during off peak time for more space to play.
If the Art zone is targeted at girls, this Blocks zone is a boy's paradise. The wall of bricks are for the children use. No restriction, just take your choice of bricks and build!
Build your cars
There is also a car station at the Blocks area for children (and dads ) to make their own cars for a race. Unfortunately while we were there, there was a lot of bricks but a lack of wheels and connecting bricks to form a car . We think the children probably had tons of fun making their own cars and taking them home as souvenirs, which probably explain the lack of car making equipments.
Nonetheless this zone is totally awesome. Other than Legoland, we probably could not remember a bigger place filled with bricks for children to play.
Having fun
Make Up
The station next to the Blocks zone is the Make Up zone. This is where costumes are provided for children to dress up. In addition, while we were there, there was also complimentary hand and face painting. It feels like we are attending a party instead of a playground.
Nice one Cool de sac.
Let's put on our uniform
Once you are dressed, just take a moment to pose on the stage for pictures.
Superheros and gang
Somehow this part of the playground was a favourite of the boys especially Little Lou. Just check out the numerous costume changes he had from Superman to Spiderman to King Lou!
Having fun!
Tweens zone
So far, you probably would think. Ok this place sounds great for younger kids, but for families withh older children, they may feel left out.

When no worries on that, just head down to the Tweens zone for their Kinectic , XBox or Playstation fix. The younger ones would love it too especially when they have new game titles like The Lego movie at these stations.
Lego Movie PS3
Tots area
What if I have babies or very young children?

Would they be be run down by the bigger kids?

Rest assured, tots are also well catered here with their own personal space. The tots area is cleverly located at the back of house away from the boisterous crowd so little ones can enjoy their little piece of paradise. There are toddler's toys, slides and a mini ball pit there to keep them occupied.

Party rooms
If you intend to host a party there, there are 3 separate areas located at the far end of the playground. This spot is perfect for a private party. Rooms vary in sizes . The one we saw probably can host up to 15 children base on its size. If need be, I think the rooms can be combine for a bigger crowd too.
And if you are feeling really hungry, there is a separate area for dining. With food from Bristol Cool , a restaurant located next to the playground, you can be assured of quality food. Compared of other indoor playground dining area, the food is by far the best we tried in an indoor playground.
Did we mention that it is affordable too with children dishes coming under $10? We did observed groups of parents coming together and enjoying a cuppa while the children enjoy their play.
Do note that the children are tagged to one adult. Only adults with the proper coloured tags are allowed to bring the children out of the playground.
As for seats, here are sufficient seats around the playground for the parents to 'rest' while the children unwind their kinetic energy.
Ample seats
In case you are wondering, there are spaces for shoes and even stroller parking. Cupboard are available but they have no locks. Locks can be hired from the counter at $2 each. Socks are compulsory for the play area ( even the non playing adults).
Park your buggy
There is also a open concept baby changing station located behind the shoe racks. If there is one gripe on the place, it will be that the toilets are located outside the premises. This would be a little inconvenience during playtime.
Changing area
We save the best information for last.
Being a spanking new playground located in a desirable central address , you would have imagine that the admission price be on the higher end. The good news is that they charge by entrance for UNLIMITED play. At $26 per child, it is definitely much more worthwhile if you intend to stay longer than 2 hours. It was certainly worthwhile for us as the boys stayed for an amazing 4 hours and were reluctant to leave when it is time to close. (However we do think the annual pass at $508 is incredibly higher... How high? You could probably purchase an annual pass to Universal Studio Singapore for 3 for that price. )
Would we recommend this place?
You bet!
Best for families with children of varying age gap, or simply for children who love to explore different play areas at one go. Just remember to allocate more time at this playground, for we are almost certain that most kids would not want to leave early !
Cool De Sac
3 Temasek Boulevard
Suntec City Mall ( Next to The Cocoa Tree)
Singapore 038983


  1. Thank you for the's going to be one of our destinations for the holidays! I have a feeling my boy will enjoy his time there :-)

  2. Concept Works better as a drop-off rather than playground for toddlers.


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