Alcatel One Touch Flash Review - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Alcatel One Touch Flash Review

 As parents, we would love to restrict our children to smartphones and gadgets. 

However, more often than not, good intention tends to fall by the wayside. Since we could not fight the smartphone revelation, we decide to embrace its benefits. Like the saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them.

The elder boy is getting to an age where he might need a phone of his own for an emergency. So it was a pleasure when Alcatel provided us with the Alcatel One Touch Flash for this review.

Would this be the phone for him?
Alcatel One Touch Flash
About Alcatel One Touch Flash
Retailing at an attractive price of $228, this android phone is loaded with the latest Android 4.4.2 Kit Kat. With a generous screen size of 5.5 HP IPS display, it makes a great phone for Internet browsing, youtube and even games. This unit is slim at 8.1mm and comes with a 3200 mAh battery that promises a talk time of a whopping 19 hours and 465 standby time!

Whew, that is a ton of features in just one paragraph. Impress already?
13 mega camera
Here is more... 

With a 13 Mpxl full HD front camera and a 5Mpxl 1080p front camera, this phone could be a simple replacement for your digital camera. The camera app comes with HDR, Panorama, Sports, Night, Filter and a build-in QR scan. While the front camera comes with Smart Beauty function for selfie fans. 

Camera Apps
Given the specs in the phone, you would have imagined that this would be a worthy competitor with the higher-end phone. Given its attractive pricing, it is an incentive to consider it as an option for budget-conscious. 

User Review
We took the phone out for a spin during our recent trip Bintan. Compared to our existing phones, we were surprised that the Alcatel managed to hook up to the wifi with ease. We used to surf as well as to take photos and functionally there is no complain. Battery life could be a tad better as we see it draining rather fast on heavy usage. As for the interface, it could be a little faster as it lagged slightly when switching apps. These minor quirks would not undermine the potential for the phone. We think it is worth every penny for it.

As the first phone for a child, it makes a good alternative to the more expensive brethren available in the market. In fact, it is so good that it is gone in a flash!

There are more Alcatel phones in the market, you could refer to Alcatel website for details.

Photo Samples

We took a series of photos to showcase the phone potential as a camera replacement. There were more keepers than compared to other phones I had tried. It holds its own in scenery shots, night shots and food shots.

Would the output be good enough for Instagram or blog post?
Let the photos be the judge!


Bright sun
Add caption
Night Time


Sponsored Review
TWD was provided a phone set for review

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