How's your holiday? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

How's your holiday?

The Smurfs Live on Stage @ RWS
At the blink of an eye, the school holidays is coming to a close. It may have been a short month, but we fully utilized our time away from books. Before the rat race restarts, let us take a look back at our fun filled month.

With a host of activities for kids around Singapore during this holiday, it was hard to decide which one would be on our list of timetable.

The Wind in the Willows
We kicked off the holidays with not one but 3 musicals . Thanks to our kind sponsors, the boys had the chance to catch The Gingerbread Man, The Smurfs Live on Stage as well as The Wind in the Willows.

The Gingerbread Man
We enjoyed musicals so much that we decided to dedicate a special section for musicals, play and movie reviews. Just click on the button found on our side banner.

The musical journey continues with our first picnic at the Botanic Gardens. With enchanting performance by the SSO, we were delighted to participate in the Jubilee at the Botanics. As a bonus we were seated less than 5 metres away from the evening special guest, Mr Lee Hsien Loong. To us, it is a pretty cool experience.
Temasek : Jubilee at the Botanics

After that we were whisked away for a relaxing weekend at Club Med Bintan. If you do not know, Club Med Bintan is an all inclusive holiday destination. you simply pack your bags and go there to unwind. There is no need to plan or worry what to do next . If you need a peek at what to expect. Our A-Z guide to Club Med Bintan will cover that.

Club Med Bintan

Finally it is off to Gold Coast for a family vacation with our extended family. The experiences of cuddling a Koala and feeding Kangeroos will be etched in the boys memories for ages to come.
Gold Coast

Frankly, the month has come and gone too soon. With much reluctance, we say goodbye to the June School Holidays. It is now time to head back to the books.Secretly, we could not wait till the year end comes for more exciting adventures ahead.

In the meantime, it's a wrap!

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