Little Passports : A Global Adventure Review - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Little Passports : A Global Adventure Review

We have a special delivery from the states. It's our Little Passports to a global adventure! Little Passports is a subscription base product originating in the US. It is created as a product meant for children ages 3-12.

The product can be ordered online. There are 3 different editions to choose from that are tailored for other age groups group. You have the Early Explorers for ages 3-5, the World Edition for ages 6-10 and the USA Edition for ages 7-12. Each set of adventures promises to bring the world to you in a little package. Through this subscription, kids would get the opportunity to travel around the whole.

To get your own adventure, simply choose a plan, check your mailbox every month, and you are ready for an experience.

Early Explorers

We had the opportunity to review the Early Edition and the World Edition package for Little Passport. You will get a Kit to kickstart your adventure in the first month of the subscription.

TThe Early Explorers kit comes in a nifty orange suitcase filled with stickers, a passport activity book, a world map and a luggage tag.

You can have about a half hour to an hour of fun going through the items. The fun part would be the monthly world theme kits with various things such as an activity book, fun souvenirs, trading cards, letters, photos and luggage tags to continue the adventure.

We reckon more activity base items would be more enticing for younger kids from ages 3-5 with shorter attention spans. The monthly could address that judging from what we see from the website.

World Edition

Like the Early Explore package, the World Edition also comes with a starter Explorer kit to start the adventure. The Kit comes with a Blue luggage bag, a detailed world map, passports and an activity booklet.

We like the wall-sized world map in this package. It is a great way to teach children about the different places in the world. We will use this up on our walls to plan our following holidays!
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On its own, it would be underwhelming. However, when the monthly package arrived, it brought the kids a new adventure. We received the landmarks package, consisting of landmarks trading cards, world landmarks introduction and little replicas of world icons.

The kids had fun searching and identifying world landmarks using the 'flashlight 'feature in the flashlight adventure.

In addition, I used the little replica of iconic landmarks with the World Map earlier to teach the boys where they are located around the world. After the game, the boys said they wanted to visit these places themselves!

The best part about the subscription is anticipating the mail every month. Of course, you can get yours too at Little Passports.

Subscription is available on a monthly, semi-annually and annual basis.

Disclosure: Sponsored
The Wacky Duo was provided with a starter kit for review. No other compensation was given. All opinions are our own.

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