Singapore FIRST Olympic Gold Winner : Joseph Schooling - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Singapore FIRST Olympic Gold Winner : Joseph Schooling

Source : Rio Olympics

Singapore has put herself on the world map of Sports courtesy of our local swim champ - Joseph Schooling. It is a proud moment for all Singapore. It is not just about the victory of one man, but it is about carrying the hopes and dreams of the nation on his shoulders.

Today Joseph Schooling taught us an important lesson. Never give up on your dreams.
Nothing is impossible if you put your heart and soul into it.

The nation cheers for him. He did Singapore proud. He won the 100m Butterfly in style. A class act amongst a sea of star swimmers that flank his left and right... including 'Aquaman' Michael Phelps.

50.39 seconds. Singapore, Asian and Olympic Record.

To the parents of Joseph Schooling. It is great to know that you supported your child's dream. It may not be the conventional Singapore way, but you had shown that the path less taken might be as good if not greater. Thank you.

There can be many Olympians and many winners after the triumph of Joseph Schooling. But none will be greater than the first victory that puts Singapore on the podium on the Olympic Stage.

He is the first and will always be remembered as the one that bought the First Olympic GOLD medal to Singapore.
Source : Channelnewsasia

We salute you , Joseph Schooling.

Thank you for your sacrifices and hard work.

You made the people of the tiny red dot believe that nothing is beyond us.


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