NDP 2017 Highlights : 10 things to look out for - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

NDP 2017 Highlights : 10 things to look out for

NDP 2017 is back!

It was 3 years ago since NDP was held at the Float @ Marina Bay. We were at the 49th NDP  where MM Lee Kuan Yew last graced the proceedings. It was our first NDP and one we would always remember for its significance. This year, we are back on the Float @ Marina Bay preview for our 2nd NDP celebration!

The Float@Marina Bay has always been our favourite site for NDP. The Padang may have its historical significance while the swanky National Stadium have its own grandeur ; the Float@ Marina Bay holds its own stature as it gives a chance to Singaporeans to participate in the ceremony regardless if they have tickets or not. The Floating Platform itself holds a capacity of 30,000 people, while the greater Marina area invites 300,000 more to join in the fun.The parade may be on the float but the crowd around Marina Bay would be part of the action. This certainly ties in with this year theme of #OneNationTogether.
Sea of Red and White

Judging from the preview, this year's edition promises to be one that will entertain the masses. Here are 10 highlights of NDP 2017 to look out for.

Red Lions

The Red Lions are back after a hiatus since 2014 . They have always been a crowd favourite and from the looks of it, it will remain as such this year.
Red Lions @ MBS

The tiny spots in the sky looked like birds before they morphed into the Red Lions as they descended. Look out for their precision as they land on the platform.

If you want to see from the view of the Red Lions, you can now catch the bird's eye view from NDPeeps Channel where they will stream the parade itself.

Salute to the Red Lions

NDP Funpacks
NDP Fun packs

This year funpacks comes in 2 colours - Red and White. It is always a hit among the audience.

Have a sneak peek of the goodies in the funpack on our post and in the video below.

Dynamic Defence Display (D3) Performance (Part 1)

Dynamic Defence Display(D3) is one of the interesting offers that NDP has this year. The D3 segment, put together by the Singapore Armed Forces(SAF) and the Home Team, underscores Singapore's commitment and ability to defend itself against a spectrum of security threats.

This part of the show will be a crowd favourite - with nonstop action from left, right and above the stage. This is a brilliant way to showcase the assets that brought the best of our Army, Navy and Airforce by showing scenes that are adrenaline-rick and action packed.

High Speed Chase

Do look out for the high-speed Navy Chase and the ammo power of the Army Tanks, they are sure to get you hooked!

Army in Action

The action will start once you see colour smoke. Look up on the cue and don't blink!
Impressive Arsenal

 Parade and Ceremony (P&C)

Parade Ceremony

The Parade and Ceremony(P&C) segment is the staple for NDP. Traditional elements such as the 21 Guns salute and the parade inspection will remain. However, a new aspect for this year's P & C is the celebration of 50 years of National Service (NS50) . THe P&C segment involving about 2000 participants from 31 marching contingents, will pay special tribute to national servicemen in recognition of their contributions as well as to their families and employers for their steadfast support for NS.

Fly flypast

The Singapore Flag flypast followed by F-15SG fighters in their signature 5 planes bomb blast will be the one to look out for.
Bomb Blast

The ND50 tribute at the P& C segmnet includes an NS50 tribute video, a dynamic transformation by the Youth Uniformed Group contingents to form the words "NS50", and a salute our national servicemen, their families and employers, with spectators at the parade invited to join in the salute in unison.

Parade inspection
 It gave me goose bumps when the boys and mom were cheering an clapping for me during this moment. I am proud to have serve the nation to protect them.

Dynamic Defence Display (D3) Performance (Part 2)
D 3  : Home Team

When the P & C section was over, I was surprised to find out that there is another D3 segment for NDP 2017.

This section showcases Singapore's whole-of-government and community approach in tackling security threats through a multi-agency counter terrorism display shown for the first time in an NDP D3. It depicts how cyber security agencies deal with cyber-attackes, and how the SAF and the Home Team overcome multiply terrorist threats through swift and seamless coordination. It also emphasis the notion of community trust and vigilance for all Singaporeans to do their part in keeping our nation safe and emerge stronger in times of adversity.

President Drive Past
President Drive Past

It was time for the President Drive past. Time to  raise the flag and wave . The President will be driving in an open top car to wave at the crowds. As this is President Tony Tan last parade as President, it is the perfect sending off for him.
Dress Rehearsal

The Speaker of Parliment, Halimah Yaacob, graced the ceremony as the stand in 'President' for the Preview.

Show Performances

As the sky starts turning darker, it was time for the show performance to begin. The performances this year will dazzle you. The Show segment comprises six Acts which represent different issues close to our hearts, rallying families and friends to come together as we reflect on our immediate past, celebrate our present and look forward to the future-all enough to dazzle you and keep you entertained throughout the entire evening.

With the integration of the giant screens and the on stage performance, expect a more immersive performance for the night.Being fans of Ah Boys to Men, the boys' favourite act would be the rap / song performance by Tosh Zhang. Honestly, this year edition felt more like a mini concert than one of those generic displays that we were familiar with from the past... and this is a good thing!

Love at the Bay

For the first time in NDP, 300 unmanned drones will take to the skies over the Marina Bay to perform the largest unmanned drones display in Southesat Asia.

300 drones take to the sky in NDP 2017to light up the sky over Marina Bay. It is an impressive performance of precision as the LED lit drones form several animated display, including a Heart, Merlion and Singapore outline.

The Fireworks

Who does not like Fireworks.

Enuff said

The Finale
Moment of Pledge taking and singing the National Song

The Pledge and the National Song was a fitting way to end the parade. With the crowd standing still and reciting the pledge with gusto, it does make one feel proud to be a Singapore.

We , the citizens of Singapore, regardless of race, language or religion.

Tips for Ticket Holders

Manged to snag a ticket for the big day?
Here are some useful tips for you .

1)  Go early for the best seats. The best seats would be in the middle. Not too far to see the action and yet near enough to appreciate the action on stage and around Marina Bay.

2) Keep it light. Leave your large bags and prams at home. The funpacks itself will have enough goodies to provide for your need for the event. There will not be much space on the seats itself.

3) Stay hydrated, bring a cap for kids. There is sun visor in the funpack but it does not cover your whole head. It is VERY hot out there!
This way to NDP

4) Take a train there. Car parks around the area may be partially close or close during certain times. With road closures , it may be a nightmare getting out of the area after the parade

5) If you drive, this is the best tip to recieve. Park at Battery Road / Fullerton Hotel. The Esplanade drive will be close to traffic for pedestrians. It is an easy 15 minutes walk from the Float to the car parks in the area. You would bypass the crowd at Esplanade bridge itself making it a great and safe option especially for families with young kids and elders. Furthermore, the traffic around the area would be rather light as it is away from the main road closures.
Look out for Road Closures

Want to see more?

Check out our highlights reel!

Last but not least, enjoy your NDP 2017!

Tag your photos, well-wishes, reflections or stories on social media platforms and/or NDP social platform as as NDPeeps Facebook (www.facebook.com/ndpeeps), Instagram(@ndpeeps_2017) and Twitter (@NDPeeps) with the following hashtags #OneNationTogether, #NDP2017, #NDP17, #SG52. For more information, visit www.ndp.ord.sg."

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