Ikea X Lego - Bygglek furniture for children and adults in 2020 - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Ikea X Lego - Bygglek furniture for children and adults in 2020

Goodbye Billy... Hello Bygglek!

LEGO and IKEA have been teasing a collaboration since 2018. The collaboration is now official. The new furniture will be called Bygglek.

The furniture is specially designed to develop solutions to stimulate play around the home. If you had played LEGO with kids, you may have the experience of stepping on LEGO. This is probably one of the most painful play experience an adult can face. Having furniture specially designed for LEGO might reduce such incidents.

When it comes to organising LEGO for play, adults tend to sort by typology - sorting it according to size and colour. Kids, on the other hand, sort by the story, clustering it into different pieces and randomly create their own play piece. Sometimes they might leave a half build ship and return to play the next day. This might create a messy sight that tends to lead to adults cleaning up and disrupting play. With adults sorting and making the rules, it may hinder the child to play creatively and on their own terms.

Do we allow children to play as they wish or do we make sure everything is clean up every time and hence stop

IKEA sort to create solutions across generation with this new range of furniture. As to how it will look like, we eagerly wait for the launch in 2020. For now, look out for Bygglek!

Watch this space!

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