Kurios - Cabinet of Curiosities by Cirque Du Soleil Singapore Review - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Kurios - Cabinet of Curiosities by Cirque Du Soleil Singapore Review

Surreal, original, spectacular

Kurios - Cabinet of Curiosities is the latest Cirque Du Soleil to arrive under the Big Top in Singapore. The Montreal circus troupe is well known for its collection of acts that is well known for its Avant-grade circus act. Even if you are familiar with Cirque Du Soleil, Kurios will dazzle you with sights that would make you gasp with delight, leaving you bewitched and bewildered.

The Story
Photo Credit: Cirque Du Soleil

There is a storyline in this elaborated show. It starts off with the Mad scientist called the Seeker played by Anton Valen. He has an entourage of whimsical characters like Nico the Accordion Man and Klara the Telegraph of the Invisible.
Photo Credit: Cirque Du Soleil
The seeker sets out to uncover the mysteries of a hidden world through the use of his invention ( an oversize chair) to seek out the invisible realm. Along the way, he would encounter curious characters such as Mr Microsomos (Mathieu Hubener) and Mini Lili (Rimi Hadchiti) who lives in his belly.
Photo Credit: Cirque Du Soleil
Set in a Victorian-era with Steampunk reference, you would immediately get a sense of the wacky direction this act will bring. Forget about your ordinary circus, this is one that will tease your senses to the extreme. Not only does The Seeker undergo an out of body experience in this journey, but the audience will also be brought to the same realm.

The Main Acts
 Photo Credit: Cirque Du Soleil
Once you are in the realm of the invisible world, you would be taken to an amazing repertoire of performances that are a fresh reinterpretation of classic circus acts. It is by far the most refreshing and surreal acts that we had seen to date. Having been to Cirque Du Soleil Mystere at Las Vegas, our expectations for the show were sky-high. After watching the acts, it is an understatement to say that it soared even higher.

Gravity Defying
 Photo Credit: Cirque Du Soleil

The tempo got a notch higher when the acts started rolling in. It kicked off with The Aerial Bicycle suspended in midair. Masterfully controlled by the acrobat, it would make ET blush. Other noteworthy gravity-defying acts include Rola Bola - A fearless aviator balancing on 8 cylinders while on a swing!

Another act the Upsidedown World takes the traditional balancing act into another dimension with a parallel act running concurrently from the ceiling. A pair of Siamese Twins followed up by soaring to impressive heights while performing an overhead ballet.
 Photo Credit: Cirque Du Soleil

The loudest oohs and ahhs were reserved for the Acro Net acrobats.  Set in a vast ocean, these fish-men slingshot 60 feet to the top of the tent on the bouncing net. A truly remarkable sight!

 Photo Credit: Cirque Du Soleil
Meanwhile, the ocean theme continues as we follow four deep-sea creatures contouring on the Mechanical hands in impossible forms and shapes. We had to pick our jaws up from the Ocean floor after that performance.

 Photo Credit: Cirque Du Soleil
There were lighter moments in the show with a yo-yo performance by a master. The yo-yo resembles his clock, speeding and slowing at will. We were also entertained by an invisible circus that came with Felipe - the invisible lion that got loose in the crowd. Another quirky performance is the theatre of hands. A simple yet poetic performance filmed in real-time and using only hands as the main performance. Look out for the moonwalk performed by a hip hop hand!

Photo Credit: Cirque Du Soleil

The show finale was the Banquine, a group of 13 jumpers that form human pyramids with somersaults and flips to the delight of the audience. It's a hoot to see big grown muscular men trying to jive to the beat too.

Hilariously dangerous act!

Housed under the Big Tent, Kurios has an intimate stage that would bring the audience closer to the action. With a live band dictating the pace, it is a non-stop assault on the senses. This is one show that asks you to shed your inhabitants and let your imagination run wild. Let your curiosity out and embrace the world that would be revealed to you.


Kurios would easily be the best circus act we had seen to date. Kurios literally contorts what circus should be in the future. Stage in a breathtaking avenue with breakneck pace in performance, Kurios delivers with aplomb.  Take this 2 hours 30 minutes to unravel your mind.

It is one show that we highly recommend!

Kurios has been extended till 18 August. Get your tickets before the show ends!

$54 for 54 hours promotion

Kurios National Day promotion.
Will last only 54 hours from 5 Aug 12pm
. Grab your seats now!

TWD was invited to the show for a review. All opinions are of our own.

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