NDP 2020 and 2021 will be at The Float @ Marina Square ... before it disappeared
The Float @ Marina Bay will be demolished after 2021.
It will be the site to host NDP 2020 and NDP 2021. Thereafter it will be close, making way for NS Square. Build initially as a temporary NDP venue when the National Stadium was under construction, it had hosted NDP event nine times since 2007.
In addition, it was also part of Formula One, New Year Eve Performance, River Angboa, BMT Graduation Parade, Art Zoo and many more. This temporary site had a good run since 2007.
Replacing it will be NS Square. NS Square is slanted to have a bigger capacity at 30,000-35,000 seating capacity vs the current 27,000. Additional facilities such as waterfront sports facility, multi-purpose filed with convertible turfing and gym space with open hall and studio spaces. There will be a gallery as well to showcase the evolution of NS.
When NS Square opens in 2025, it can be used for parades, River Angboas and similar activities as The Float@ Marina Square. It will also be the venue for BMT graduation parades and parades for military units that complete their operationally ready NS.
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