Daily Dose : Welcome to the 10 K Club ( CB Day 17 ) - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Daily Dose : Welcome to the 10 K Club ( CB Day 17 )

Welcome to the 10 K club

Good Morning. Daily Dose kicks off with a milestone in Singapore's fight against COVID19-10K
2 weeks ago, this would be a number that most would be the tally for the year. Today, we had reached the milestone. Yet, it is not as scary as it seems. The general community spread remains stable our mortality rate is at 0.1% and the numbers in ICU is at 25. Overall, it does not feel like Armageddon on the streets.

1) 1016 cases bringing us above the 10K mark at 10141 

At this rate, we will soon overtake S Korea and Japan and may end up as Asia's 2nd highest infected country behind China.
Cases in Community: 17
Work Permit Holders ( outside of dorms): 32
Work Permit Holders ( in dorms): 967

Source: MOH

2 List of eateries opening and closing during extended circuit breaker.

List of eateries that will be open and closed from the official source. Check this list before you head out to get your food.

Source: TWD

3 Spore older residents go on the rampage as a result of COVID19

Numerous cases of verbal abuse and harassment reported

- Male, 52, accused of failure to wear mask and harassment with obscene words and racist remarks

-Male, 52, accused of unlawfully meeting another person, drunk and misbehaving in a disorderly manner, hurling vulgarities at the police office

-Male, 56, Failure to wear mas and verbally abuse officer with obscenities as well as a criminal force

-Male , 58, causing annoyance when drunk

-Female, 46, Taiwanese, sneeze in direction of another woman and used insulting words

-Male, 55, refuse to wear mask and slap service attendant at petrol station.

All these acts are unforgivable, especially the assault.

Source : ST

4 Youths are not spared from the Covid19 madness side effect

6 youths caught in viral video filmed at Lorong Halus Bridge for  flouting circuit breaker measures

Source :Today

5 Bubble tea madness exploded all over the island for one last bubble tea. 
Reader Contribution

Crowds were spotted in almost every Bubble Tea joint defying the social distancing measures. Looks like we might need to extend CB a little longer.

Source : Today

6 More than 200 people face fines
It's day 16 but there are still people who continue to flout the laws
More than 150 fine for safe distancing and anther 50 fine for not wearing masks.
Please try to adhere to the law for everyone's sake.

Source: Today

7 Over 2 million cases in the world with 180K
An update on the world situation. There are now over 2.6 million cases worldwide with over 180K deaths. The number is projected to increase with USA taking the lead.

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