Daily Dose: 1 - 2 - 3 - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Daily Dose: 1 - 2 - 3

Buckle up, we are having a large dosage of  Daily Dose today.

1 - 2 - 3

We are all set and ready to go for the end of Circuit Breaker on June 1. The reopening will start in 3 phases.

1) 451 cases confirmed
450 Work Permit Dorms
1 SC
The community cases are edging towards 0. The 1 confirm SC case is related to yesterday's case ( Household contact)

Source: MOH

2) 530 cases discharged, bringing the total to 10365
Would we hit 20 K discharge by end May as earlier anticipated?

Source: MOH

3) Circuit Breaker to end on June 1

Phase approach will be introduced. Singapore will open up in 3 Phases
Phase 1 (June 1)
-Schools and certain workplaces to open.
-Easing restrictions on visitation and private worship
-Selected Healthcare services to resume

Phase 2 (Anticipated to be a month)
-Social activities to resume in small groups
-Dine-in Options at F&B
-Reopening of retail outlets, gyms and fitness studios
-Reopening of Tuition and enrichment centres
-Reopening of Sports and recreation facilities

Phase 3 (About 2-3 months)
New Normal
-Social, culture, a religious, business gathering will resume with limited size
- Services and activities involving significant close contact in enclosed space or crowd management would be reopened ( eg spas, massages, cinemas, theatres, bars, pubs, nightclubs)

Source: GOV.sg

3) Schools to reopen on June 2 in phases

All the dates you need to know can be found here


4) Visits to elderly parents and grandparents allowed but with restricted rules

Social visits to relatives and friends are still not permitted


5) Singapore to gradually reopen borders, plan to resume essential travel among countries with low Covid-19

Green lane arrangements with a few countries mooted

Source: CNA

6) Basic Military training to resume from May 26
8000 Ah Boys will become Men from May 26

Source: Today

7) DPM Heng to announce 4th round of measures

The statement will be made on May 26

Source: Today

8) Bishan Station premises thoroughly clean and disinfected
This comes after a service ambassador working there was found to have Covid19

Source: Today

9) 'Sovereign' Woman face 2 additional charges

She has been released from IMH and is out on bail. Next court hearing on   June 2

Source: ST

10) IT Glitch causes erroneous SMS to be sent to 357 patients informing them they had Covid19

Interestingly, this is the way patients are informed of their status. Must have been quite a scare receiving the message in the first place

Source: Today

11) Marsiling illegal bus stop gathering
Gathering due to suspected gambling activities
Robertson quay was not the only happening place over the weekend

Source: TNP

12) Homeowners expect further renovation delays

This is due to stringent rules and labour crunches

Source: Today

13) 5 Circuit Breaker Meal Deals

Meals cost less than $10 per pax. Include popular restaurants like Jack Place and Sake Sushi

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