Daily Dose : Big Mac and Fries Please - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Daily Dose : Big Mac and Fries Please

Good Morning

Our Daily Dose today comes with Big Mac and Fries as McDonald's reopen it's doors for business

1) 876 Cases. Tally at 23336
860 Work Permit Dorms
15 Community ( 4 SC/PR/WP), 11 Work Permit ex Dorms
1 imported cases

Of the 4 SC/PR/WP community spread, one is a resident at Acacia Home, 1 imported from Qatar and one if from Mustafa Center Cluster. Interestingly there is still imported cases despite travel advisory. This showed that even if we eradicate Covid19 spread locally, there will always be the threat from aboard.

Given the capacity has increased to 8000 and possible 40000 in the next few weeks, Expect more cases from the Dorms going forward.

Source: MOH

2) 33 false-positive  Covid19 cases in Singapore
This is due to the apparatus calibration issue

Source: ST

3) Mandatory for SIA, Silkair, Scoot Passengers to wear mask on board

Passengers must observe safe distancing measures. Though it may be difficult on the plane itself. Meals services will be suspended for flights within Southeast Asia and services to China

Source: Today

4) Mcdonald's Reopening Today

Available for Delivery and Takeaway from 7am to 9pm


5)Malaysia MCO to extend for another 4 weeks to June 9
Some controls are eased that allow most businesses to reopen and people to travel for work. Schools remain shut. Travels between 13 states barred except for work. Country borders remain shut. Small gathering of up to 20 pax allow

Source: ST

6) Hair Salons, bakeries and laundry shops preparing to resume business from May 12

Get ready for long queues at the Barber

Source: ST

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