Have we flatten the curve or is there a hidden community spread?
13 Singaporeans/PR tested positive for COVID19
This is the first time in May that the numbers for SC/PR had breach more than 10 cases. For the past 10 days, there were only 5 cases reported daily. The last time a double-digit number was reported was on May 8 (10 cases).
The increased number is the result of increase screening for preschool and nursing home staff. For preschool screening, it is mandatory to screen all staff before preschool is scheduled to open on 2 June. 30,000 preschool staff are being tested.
Prior to this, the number for SC/PR has been relatively low for the past 2 weeks
May 20- 2
May 19- 1
May 18- 2
May 17- 4
May 16- 5
May 15- 1
May 14- 2
May 13- 2
May 12- 3
May 11- 2
May 10- 2
May 9- 9
May 8 - 10
With these result, there would be a possibility that more cases would be uncovered. The immediate families staying under the same household may have been infected as well. As such, we could see the local cases trending upwards.
Have we flattened the curve?
It is hard to say we had effectively flattened the curve. The numbers for dorms continue to remain high on a daily basis. On the flip side, local community cases appear to be reducing thus supporting the notion that the curve was flattened within Greater Singapore.
With the latest disclosure on confirmed cases from mass testing, there will be doubters that the curve is flattening. The results showed that cases remain undetected in the community. With mild symptoms present, most do not have the need to see the doctors. Nonetheless, they remain infectious and would have the possibility of infecting their own families. If they had been heading out for groceries or food, there exist the risk of transient infection.
With Circuit Breaker anticipate ending on June 1 and Phase 1 starting on June 2, we have less than 2 weeks to confirm if the curve has flattened. Should it be proven otherwise, should Circuit Breaker be extended?
A possible solution is to increase testing of the masses. This includes the testing of students and workers heading back to work/school. In the fight against Covid19, it just takes one to exacerbate the situation. If we allow this to happen, all the hard work of the past 2 months of Circuit Breaker to contain the spread might end up being a futile exercise.
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