Daily Dose : National Broadcast - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Daily Dose : National Broadcast

Look out for a series of National Broadcast starting today.

Before that, let's start with a dose of what happened yesterday.

1) 344 cases
337 in dorms
7 in the community ( 3 SC/PR, 4 Work Permit)

Community cases continue to show up. Most of the cases are due to proactive surveillance and screening. Proactive surveillance is good to pick up undetected cases. It also showed that previously quarantine cases that were released without a swab test might have led to undetected cases.

2) 2 more new clusters link to dorms

At this rate, we might as well proactively test ALL dorm sites. It would not be surprising that the spread has already extended islandwide via dorms.

3) Hougang Mall NTUC added to the list of public places visited by cases

Do note if you had been in the mall on 30 May betwee1110-1200

4) 25 person died from COVID complication
41-year-old Chinese National.
The youngest death to date. Supposing ‘recovered’ and was discharged . 2 weeks later died of COVID19 related complications.

It showed that even when you covered, Covid19 may have already damaged your body in some way or another.

Our condolences to the family.

5) PM Lee and Ministers to deliver a series of National Broadcast

PM Lee will kick off today at 730pm 
You can watch it on CNA.

Source: CNA

Source: CNA

6) Some Restaurants not reopening after Phase 1 

Vianney Massot Restaurant, Toa Seafood, The Fabulous Baker Boys SG Pho House, Salt Grill & Sky Bar are some that will exit the scene  

7) NDP Singapore Together Pack 2020

Here is a peek at all the 12 items in the pack


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