Zane U Kidzania : Thanks for the memories - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Zane U Kidzania : Thanks for the memories

Kidzania Singapore had announced a surprise closure on June 16.

It will shutter for good in Singapore.


Over the last 4 years, we had been to Kidzania a couple of times. 

We were there during the opening, for Halloween and the occasional weekends. 

If you do not know, Kidzania was an attraction where kids get to take on a variety of jobs for adults. They will earn  Kidzo and used it to exchange it for gifts. It proved to be a popular destination with over 1 million people visited it over the last 4 years.

Alas, with Covid19, Kidzania had to shut down since Circuit Breaker. It is not destinated to open until phase 3. Phase 3 could be a few months later. Given that this impacted the revenue, the decision to pull out of Singapore was made on June 16.

We have just one question... is the plane for sale now?

Here is a look back at our time in Kidzania. Till the next time. Zane U for the memories!

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