The Next Ten Days - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

The Next Ten Days

The hustings have officially begun.

This year's hustings will not be the same as before. There will not be any mega rallies. Instead, hustings will go virtual on your mobile phone, laptops and TVs due to Covid19. As our goal is to bring you the news that matters, elections will be part of the news for the next 10 days. As mentioned, we strive to be apolitical. Unlike other sites with biases in reporting, we will bring you news of both incumbents and oppositions regardless if it is good or bad. As the days progress towards elections, tempers tend to flare. We acknowledged that different views will emerge in comments and we welcome it. However, we do ask that comments to be cordial and not malicious. Like our stance on Covid19 - This page is a safe ground for all.

COVID19 1)246 cases confirmed 240 Dorms 5 Community (2 Singaporeans, 3 Work Permit Holders 1 Imported case The dorms numbers continue to be reported in hundreds on a daily basis. A new cluster is added to the list indicating that the spread is still unabated. 2 Singaporeans were picked up on proactive surveillance on persons deployed to frontline Covid19 operations. Frontliners are exposed daily and it would not be surprising to see cases from there 1 PR returning from India on 24 June became our first Imported case in weeks. Source: MOH 2) 13-year-old student from Rainbow Centre Yishun Park School infected Rainbow Centre is a charity which runs schools for people with disabilities. She had not been in school since Jan Source: ST 3) Over 3000 people to be swabbed for Covdi19 in shelters, children's homes and special needs centres. Testing will start today. It is unclear if this is related to the 13-year-old student. Source: ST 4) Woman needed in security guard's direction on purpose after failing to wear a mask Cannot justify such acts in Singapore Source: ST
5) Supermarkets in Tampines, Marsiling hawker centers among places visited by Covid19 cases 4 places added to the list Marsiling Lane Market & Cooked Food Centre at 20 Marsiling Lane on June 16 between 7pm and 8pm, on June 28 between 12pm and 1pm, and again between 5.30pm and 6.30pm Sheng Siong Supermarket at 506 Tampines Central 1 on June 26 between 11.30am and 12pm One Supermarket at 201B Tampines Street 21 on June 27 between 9am and 9.30am Chang Cheng Mee Wah Coffeeshop at the Northlink Building in Admiralty on June 27 between 11.30am and 12.30pm Source: Today 6) 13 attractions to reopen today. Not all will open to the public on day 1. Check out the individual attractions restrictions and rules on opening. Source: TWD GE 2020 7 ) 5 surprises on Nomination day -DPM moving to Helm PAP's East Coast GRC - First Woman General Ms Gan Siow Huang contesting Marymount SMC -SDP's Mr Paul Tambyah contest in Bukit Panjang SMC - Desmond Lee moves from Jurong to West Coast - Lee Hsien Yang not contesting the election Source: ST

8) The first gutter politics has occurred, or has it?
PAP Murali voice out on 'scurrilous attack against family on a video on FB. He was referring to a post circulating online about his son. The curious thing is that no articles had surfaced before this happens. A search online also drew in zero results. This is a curious case.

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