Winds of Change - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Winds of Change

A new day, a new leadership team

The PM announced a new.w cabinet line up. While some Ministers retain their portfolio, there were shuffling of posts, the introduction of new ministers and the departure of old ones. 

Change is the only constant in Singapore.

1) 513 new cases
505 Dorms
2 Community (2 Work Permit)
6 imported cases (2 PR, 4 Dependants)

The numbers shot up to above 500 with the Dorms reporting above 500 for the day. The high number is the result of testing of workers in dorms with a relatively high prevalence for the last batch. A new cluster was also added to the list from a from at Defu Lane 7.

For the 2nd day running, no Singaporeans detected for Covid19

2) Cabinets reshuffle in Singapore

New appointments at 5 ministries including Lawrence Wong as Education Minister and Ong Ye Kung as Transport Minister

3) Supply for Cat B COE tumbles for Aug -Oct 2019
It falls to average 1729 per month from 1966 per month

4) Virtual Runs in Singapore

Missed joining mass runs in Singapore?
You can do your own virtual runs and still be entitled to trophies and running attires!

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