Types of Passes for entry to Singapore : Explained - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Types of Passes for entry to Singapore : Explained


Recently, Singapore had reported imported cases from Covid19.

On a daily basis, you will read about work passes, work permits, student passes, dependants passes, short term visitor passes. You are probably wondering what are these passes mentioned. For tourists or visitors to Singapore, all will receive a short term visitor's pass valid for stay between 30 and 90 days. While other passes are available for longer-term visitors.


Work Passes

This would refer to passes issued to foreigners who intend to work in Singapore. All foreigners working in Singapore must have a valid pass. There are professional, skilled and semi-skilled workers. Under Covid19 reporting, they are separated into Work Pass and Work Permit Holders.

Source MOM

Trainees and Student Passes

Student Passes are issued to foreigners who are pursuing full-time education at an approved Private Education Organisation in Singapore for those under 19 year of age. For those above 19 years old at the time of application and who wish to attend a language, commercial, vocation or fine arts non-graduate/ postgraduate degree, an interview may be required.

Students are also allowed to work and holiday in Singapore.

Source MOM

Family Members

For spouses, children, parents, common-law spouses, stepchildren or handicapped children of Employment Pass or S Pass Holders, they are able to apply for Dependant's pass or Long Term Visit Pass

Source MOM

Miscellaneous Pass

There is also a Miscellaneous Pass category for those seeking short term assignments and work in Singapore

Source: MOM

For more information on passes in Singapore, do refer to MOM

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