How to Recognize Signs of Autism in School-Aged Children. - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

How to Recognize Signs of Autism in School-Aged Children.

 Every child is different when it comes to social and physical development.

However, there is still a standard measure of each stage a child enters. Children who suffer from autism spectrum disorder will show signs that their development is different through their behavioural characteristics and social communication. 

This condition is often diagnosed when the child reaches school age as their development might not progress as well as their peers’. With frequent observation, you can determine whether or not there are signs of autism by monitoring their behaviour and social development. Read on to learn how to recognize the signs of autism in school-aged children. 

Inability to Interpret Non-Verbal Communication

If you notice your child does not have the same awareness as others their age, especially when it comes to interpreting someone’s non-verbal communication, they could be on the spectrum of autism. If you or anyone else attempts to use non-verbal cues to communicate and your child can’t grasp the intent behind them, they will struggle to communicate effectively with others. 

Struggling to Identify Social Cues 

Similarly, children of autism who can’t interpret non-verbal cues, often struggle with social ones as well. If your child can’t identify the ways in which others socialize, you should pay close attention to these signs as they will also become put off by any group participation. 

Having Conversational Issues

Another way to recognize your child’s condition is to observe whether they have any conversational issues. Some children on the spectrum will unknowingly dominate conversations on topics that they’re interested in. They will find it difficult to take turns and allow others to speak. While the folks from have noticed that other children on the spectrum tend to be rather quiet. Also, observe how they speak as some autistic children tend to speak in a monotonous tone or have unusual speech patterns.

Having Sensory Issues

When it comes to the 5 senses, a child on the spectrum of autism may struggle with their vision, touch, smell, or taste. So, if you notice that they lack a sense of smell or perhaps have a heightened sense of smell, keep an eye out for any changes. If it remains the same, it could be a sign of autism. 

Always Seeking Solitude

Children of autism tend to struggle with social gatherings. They tend to find group participation to be overwhelming. They will find socializing stressful and exhausting and might even become upset with physical touch and a lack of personal space. 

Rigid in Following Rules

Children of autism crave structure and a disciplined day. They may become anxious when spontaneous decisions are made, particularly in sports and games. You will find that they want everyone to follow rules rigidly. 

Needs Structure

Most children feel more secure with a routine; however, a child suffering from autism will find a change in a routine much harder to handle. You might notice that they succumb to stress and anxiety attacks due to the disturbance in their daily routine. They can also become upset with the idea of spontaneity and they prefer their day to consist of a familiar structure.

Atypical Physical Movements and Mannerisms

A child’s mannerisms are actually one of the first signs to look out for when it comes to diagnosing autism. A child could have atypical patterns of behaviour and mannerisms that they can’t break. 

For instance, continuous touching, biting, or finger-licking. One of the most common signs is rocking back and forth or side to side when attempting to sit still. 


Struggles to Start or Maintain Friendships

If a child has few to no real friends and struggles to make and maintain friendships, this could be another sign of autism. The condition of autism already makes social gatherings a burden for the child which is why attempting to engage or participate in group activities can often overwhelm them and have them wanting to seek solitude. 

Showing Signs of Aggression When Overwhelmed

Another clear sign of autism is a child’s outburst of aggression when they are feeling insecure. Being placed in an overwhelming situation such as a social gathering or being asked to complete a task they aren’t familiar with can cause stress and anxiety. The child might begin to show signs of aggression due to their frustration and fear of uncertainty.  

It’s important to know the signs of autism so that you can recognize them during your observations. The earlier you can diagnose children of autism, the better you can make their quality of life. With proper knowledge of this condition, you can provide your child with the same opportunities as any other child. 

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