Travel Bubble - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Travel Bubble

Daily Dose:  Yum Cha Anyone?

The news of the day would be the travel bubble agreement between HK and Singapore. This is the first bi-lateral travel bubble unlike the previous one-way travel bubble announced. This means that you could plan for a holiday in HK as long as you do the swap test and tested negative prior to the trip. 

So tentatively, it means no SNH and travel as per you usually would.

The details are still being worked out, but in the coming weeks and possibly during the year-end school holidays, it is safe to say that HK will be Singapore top and probably only destination for holidaymakers.

1) 3 new covid19 cases

  • 1 Dorm
  • 2 Imported

After 2 days of zero case, 1 more dorm case emerged through surveillance. This meant that there are still people exposed to Covid19. It is not the end yet.

2 Imported cases are from India and the Philippines. Interestingly, there are still cases from India for Work Pass holder despite the need to be tested from Sep17. There is always the possibility that a group of travellers might be negative before the flight.

Source: MOH

2) Covid19 testing to be offered to over 45000 stall holders, cleaners, food delivery riders.

The one-off test will be conducted for individuals working at 110 hawker centres and markets and more than 1,120 coffee shops, as well as food delivery personnel working in those places.

Testing is voluntary

Source: ST

3) Singapore , HK agreed to travel bubble

Unlike the previous green lane, this is a two way air travel bubble paving the way for leisure.

This means that people will be able to travel between the two locations without the need to be quarantined, subject to conditions, including testing negative for Covid-19.

Details are still being worked out, but people could be travelling between both places in several weeks.

Source: ST

4) Confused about the different travel arrangments? 

This is a detailed article from Today on the various arrangements Singapore has made during this time.

Source: Today

5) GST rate increase cannot be deferred indefinitely.

No GST hike in 2021, but will not be surprising if it happens in 2022 especially if Covid19 is contained.

Source ST

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