How much does a Holiday to HK cost for a Family of 4? - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

How much does a Holiday to HK cost for a Family of 4?


Singapore - HongKong Travel Bubble will start on Nov 22.

Since this is the only available option for an overseas holiday, there will be families who would not be able to resist the travel itch. Before you make the hotel booking, do calculate your expenses wisely. In the past, it is very possible to go to a 5D 4 N Holiday in HK for 4 for $3000. Today, it will be virtually impossible.

Cost of Travelling to Hong Kong for a family of 4 ( 2 Adults and 2 Children) for 5D4N


Currently, there are only 1 daily flight between HK and Singapore. The daily capacity is 200 pax. This would double from Dec 7. Additionally, you can only get flights from Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific. That means that there are no budget airlines flying to HK.

Flights per person are about $800-$1000 for SQ

Cost for Family of 4: $2800

Covid 19 Polymerase Chain Reaction Test 

You need to take 2 tests or more for your trip to HK

The first test will be taken in Singapore 72 hours before the flight.

The next test will be taken in HK when you land. You would have to remain in airport until tests are confirmed. This could take about 4 hours. If you are staying in HK for more than 72 hours, you would need another test before you return to Singapore

Local Test: The test will be made available to all individuals from Dec 1. Before this date, there are limited places that do the pre-departure test. Minmed does a test for $185.10 per pax. Test is not necessary for children under 2.

Cost for Family of4 (2 adults and 2 children above 12): $740

HK Test: HK Test is compulsory for visitors from Singapore when you land. Each test cost HK499 per pax ( $87) at the airport. Subsequent test at community centres cost HK240 or $42

Cost for Family of 4 (2 adults and 2 children above 12) : $516


Hotels cost varies from Budget to Luxury. We love to stay at YMCA HK due to the location and the fact that they have a family room that can sleep 4. The view is great too! 

Price for the King Suite with Harbour View is about $ 1200 for a 4 nights stay

Cost for Family of 4 for 5D4N: $1200

You can read more about our stay during our last trip to HK here

Book your stay in YMCA here


There is plenty to do in HK. From Disneyland to a visit to Ngong Ping to see the famed Big Buddha, HK can be quite fun for kids. If you need inspiration, you can check out our  Hong Kong Activities for Kids guide here. 

Disneyland Tickets cost about $100 per pax ( Check out the offer from Klook)

Do Budget a little more if you intend to visit Ocean Park, Ngong Ping and the Peak.

Cost for Family of 4: $1500 


Like Singapore, HK is a foodie paradise. Famed for Yum Cha, you could easily eat your way around HK during your stay. Budget about $200 per day for a family of 4.

Cost for Family of 4 for 5 days: $1000

Final Tally

There are other things like shopping that you might spend your money on. We would exclude that from the budget as it varies from person to person. If you intend to make a trip to HK this coming December holidays, prepare to splash around $7750 for a family of 4. 

It may be more expensive and perhaps slightly more inconvenient, but at least you get your travel fix for 2020. Alternatively, head for a staycation in Singapore for half the price. There is always something new to discover in this little red dot

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