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Improvise, Adapt, Overcome


Daily Dose: Improvise, Adapt , Overcome

Day 6 without a local community case. We like this trend especially with CNY just ahead of us. While it is not the time to rest our laurels, it is a welcoming respite in the preparation for CNY. This year CNY would be unlike the others. For once clans around Singapore would not reunite in masses. Instead, small groups and even online meeting is encouraged. Everyone will have to navigate this according to their own family size and customs. It will not be easy, but given what we had gone through for 2020, we can adapt.

1) 34 Covid19 cases

34 Imported Cases

- 3 (Cases 59709, 59711 and 59722) are Singaporeans and 5 (Cases 59695, 59696, 59698, 59716 and 59723) are Singapore Permanent Residents who returned from Indonesia, Malaysia, Oman, Sri Lanka, the UAE and US.
- 2 (Cases 59694 and 59719) are Dependant’s Pass holders who arrived from Bangladesh and the UAE. 
- 1 (Case 59714) is a Long-Term Visit Pass holder who arrived from India. 
- 4 (Cases 59701, 59703, 59706 and 59710) are Work Pass holders who arrived from India, Pakistan and Romania.
- 16 are Work Permit holders who arrived from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Malaysia, of whom 9 (Cases 59699, 59704, 59705, 59708, 59715, 59717, 59718, 59724 and 59725) are foreign domestic workers.
- 3 (Cases 59700, 59712 and 59713) are Short-Term Visit Pass holders. Cases 59700 and 59712 arrived from Indonesia and the US respectively for work projects in Singapore. Case 59713 arrived from Indonesia to visit her child who is a Singaporean. 

There was 1 case that had community exposure. He had been tested positive only after SNH

Case 59703 is a Work Pass holder who works as a software engineer at Pacific International Lines Pte Ltd. He arrived from India on 27 December 2020 and served SHN at a dedicated facility until 10 January 2021. His swab done on 7 January during SHN was negative for COVID-19. He subsequently worked from home from 11 January to 21 January. He developed nausea on 25 January, and sought medical treatment at a general practitioner clinic on 26 January. As he also reported intermittent cough and a sore throat, he was tested for COVID-19 and his test came back positive on 27 January. He has also tested preliminarily positive for the B117 strain. His serological test result has come back positive, which indicates a likely past infection. 

2) Over 113,000 people in Singapore received first Covid19 dose, 432 adverse event reports noted after jabs

Most of such reports were for symptoms generally associated with all vaccinations and mostly resolved on their own within a few days.

These include injection site pain and swelling, fever, headache, fatigue, body aches, giddiness, nausea and allergic reactions such as itch, rash, swelling of eyes or lip. The incidence rate of anaphylaxis in Singapore stands at about 2.7 per 100,000 doses administered.

Source: ST

3) Financial aid for those with serious side effects from Covdi19

A one-time payout of up to $10,000 will be given to those who experienced medically significant serious side effects, were hospitalised and required care in the high-dependency or intensive care unit, but subsequently recovered.

Please lah, don't fake it just to get the $10K payout. Must be significantly serious one ok?

Source: ST

4 Ministry debunks claim about staff being hired to enforce 8 people CNY visiting Rules

An audio clip circulating on WhatsApp about people being hired to enforce household visit rules during Chinese New Year has been debunked by the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE).

While it is debunked, please practice prudent. 

Source: ST

5 China Square Food Centre, a restaurant in Boat Quay among places visited by Covid19 cases.

Despite no community cases for the past 6 days from Jun 23, there are still places visited by Covid19 cases even on Jan 25. This is because there was 1 imported case that was tested positive after SNH.

Shrimp Prawn Seafood restaurant at 53 Boat Quay on Jan 21 between 7.15pm and 10.30pm

Amoy Street Food Centre on Jan 22 between 1pm and 2pm

China Square Food Centre on Jan 25 between 12.55pm and 2pm

Source: Today

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