Lions Dance CNY BAN - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Lions Dance CNY BAN


Daily Dose: Lion Dance CNY BAN

Lion Dances will not be allowed to perform at Coffee Shops, Food Centres, markets and home. This announcement came as we entered the 6 consecutive days with local community cases. In between these few days, a cluster has been reported with 6 cases.  If this were to widen, there might be a need to roll back some of the policies of Phase 3. 

In any case, do see a doctor when you have symptoms of flu. In the past, one can self medicate. However, this is 2021, where Covid19 is still rampant around the world. Unlike 2019, where you can safely recover from cold or flu, it may not be the same as with Covid19. Unfortunately, 6 of the Covid19 cases reported did not seek medical treatment. There are probably more out there.

As for the Lion Dances, it will be a quiet CNY for 2021.

1) 14 Covid19 cases

  • 12 Imported 
  • 2 Community

While the overall numbers have fallen, the community cases present a new worry. The virus may have make its way back to the community.  Both cases are linked to previous cases, bringing in a total of 6 forming a cluster relating to the police para vet.

Source: MOH

2) Additional Covid19 measures may be needed as community cases inch up: Lawrence Wong.

In Australia, they shut down cities with just 1 Covid19 community case for 3 days. For the past 6 days, we already have 12 local community cases. We would not be surprised if we take a step back to Phase 2 or even 1 if the situation does not improve.

Source: ST

3) Lot One Shopper's Mall, Junction 10 among places visited by Covid19

There are now over 30 locations identified!

Source: CNA

4) Muted CNY as dragon dances cancelled, lion dances banned from neighbourhood centres.

There would not be any lion dance at selected places for this year's CNY.  For the moment, public places such as Malls might still be able to have Lion Dance performances.

Source: ST

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