Nanyang Trading Aquarium Review : Singapore's Best Aquarium Accessories Store - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Nanyang Trading Aquarium Review : Singapore's Best Aquarium Accessories Store

Have an aquarium at home?

If you are into fish as pets, you would have heard of Nanyang Trading Aquarium. Previously known as Seaview Aquarium, it was established since 1960. It may not be the biggest aquarium in town ( we think that honour goes to Qian Hu ), we do think it is probably the best aquarium accessories Store.

Nanyang Trading Aquarium

The Aquarium Accessories

Unlike a typical fish farm like Mainland Tropical, Nanyang Trading Aquarium main focus seems to be Aquarium Accessories. It is housed in a warehouse-like store which means that there are acres of space.

Aquarium Accessories- Nanyang Trading Aquarium

From canisters, pumps, medicine to filter media, it is well stocked.
Pond Filters - Nanyang Trading Aquarium
Compared to other aquariums, the range in the shop is more extensive. There are local brands as well as international brands. From the looks of it, it does not carry in house brands. For those who are looking to set up an aquarium or a pond, this place will be an ideal location to start your fish journey.

Overhead Filters-Nanyang Trading Aquarium
Not all aquariums in Singapore carry international products. Some examples are Biohome Filter Media and Seachem range of products. 

Bio Media

Although there are little in house brands, there are local brands alternatives that are affordable. In terms of pricing, this place would probably be one of the more competitively priced. Unlike some aquariums we had been too, there is no astonishing price mark up.

Bio Media

For the above reasons, we reckoned that Nanyang Trading Aquarium is worth a visit.

Air pumps accessories

Being an aquarium, there will be fishes fo you to choose.
Aquarium - Nanyang Trading Aquarium

At the back section of the warehouse are rows of aquarium fishes for you to choose.

Bettas - Nanyang Trading Aquarium

Singaporeans love to bring home terrapin, guppies, bettas, Arowana and even koi back to home to rear.

Terrapin- Nanyang Trading Aquarium

A word of caution if you intend to get a pet fish or terrapin for your child. While they may look cute in the tanks at the shop, some like Koi can grow pretty fast and large. Within 6 months, a Koi can grow from as small as 5cm to 30-40cm. Getting a small aquarium tank would not be sufficient in the long run for such fishes. In addition, you need to consider filters to clean the water as well as maintenance such as daily feeds and water change.

Koi - Nanyang Trading Aquarium

Speaking of tanks, there are aquarium tanks at the shop if you need one. However, for koi that would need larger space, it may be better to get bigger fibreglass tanks. We did not see that in the shop, so you may need to look elsewhere for it.

Fish Tank-Nanyang Trading Aquarium

It is best to choose fishes that are most suited for aquarium. Do check with the staff on what is suitable and how to set up a proper aquarium at home.You can even decorate your aquarium when you picked the right one!

Nanyang Trading Aquarium
8 Cencharu Link
Singapore 768045

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