A muted celebration? - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

A muted celebration?


Daily Dose: A muted celebration?

With CNY just around the corner, the atmosphere for this year has been muted. From the switching off of Chinatown lights to smaller family gatherings for CNY, this year will be different. 

Personally, I will be having parents with my parents on CNY eve instead of joining my 50 strong clan for our annual reunion dinner. It was a tradition that had been upheld for the past 4 decades. Visiting will also be minimized with just a visit to Grandma and zoom gatherings instead of visiting multiple households this year. I would imagine that this would be the case for many. This year's CNY will be a quiet affair.

However, some traditions are still firmly upheld by others. This includes the annual visit to Chinatown. While that is worth keeping, consider a visit on weekdays and try not to plan one on CNY eve. With roadside shops closed and lights switch off, you might be better off exploring the newest NTUC fairprice at Parkway instead...

1) 22 Covid19 Cases

  • 2 Community Cases
  • 20 Imported Cases

Community cases are creeping up leading to Chinese New Year. With Reunion Dinners and CNY gatherings, there is a chance of a spike in the coming weeks. Unlink cases has increased from 2 to 4 for the past week. 

The first community case is a 49 yr old Sporean who works as a bus driver that include transporting individuals placed on SHN from Changi Airport to dedicated facilities. The other is a 30-year-old Indian National Work Pass holder who works as engineers at Station Satcom Pte Ltd boarding ships to install communications and IT. Has had already taken the first dose of Pfizer -Bio Covid19 vaccine on 27 Jan and was tested positive on 5 Feb.

Imported cases as follows

  • 4 (Cases 60050, 60060, 60061 and 60069) are Singaporeans and 3 (Cases 60065, 60067 and 60071) are Singapore Permanent Residents who returned from Canada, India and the UAE.
  • 2 (Cases 60068 and 60074) are Dependant’s Pass holders who arrived from India and the UAE.
  • 3 (Cases 60063, 60064 and 60075) are Work Pass holders who arrived from India, Nepal and the Philippines.
  • 7 are Work Permit holders who arrived from India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar, of whom 5 (Cases 60053, 60054, 60072, 60073 and 60078) are foreign domestic workers.
  • 1 (Case 60062) is a Short-Term Visit Pass holder who arrived from Malawi to visit her Singaporean relatives.

2) Real household incomes decline for the first time in more than 10 years

Did your household income decline in 2020?

Last year, the median monthly household income fell from 2925 in 2019 to 2886 in 2020.

Source: ST


3) Pilot Scheme for quarantine free business travel to Singapore delayed until at least Feb 21

A Pilot scheme that allows short term business travellers to stay, work and meet at dedicated facilities without quarantine is delayed as the first dedicated facility is only expected to be open from Feb 21.

The facility will be at Connect@Changi at Singapore Expo and Max Atria

Source: ST


4) Punggol Plaza, Fairprice at Kallang Wave Mall among places visited by Covid19 Community cases while infectious.

5) Passenger with positive Covid19 test recovered before the flight to India: Sats

The passenger had recovered and was issued fit to fly. However, the airport authority of India official claimed that she was allowed to fly despite being Covdi19 positive. 

It was not ascertained if the passenger was an imported case from India. Ironically, Singapore had imported hundreds of cases from India for the past few months since borders are reopen.

Source: ST


6) Budget 2021 to be delivered on Tues Feb 16 3p,

We wonder what will be in store for the household. Stay tuned!

Source: CNA


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