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New Attraction


Daily Dose: New Attraction

Despite our status as a little red dot, we still managed to pull off new attractions every once in a while.

The flavour of the week will no doubt be the Coastal Playgrove - Singapore tallest Playground that took over Big Splash. Given that is it a free attraction, there will be no doubts that families would be flocking there for the next few weeks. 

Despite Covid19, we still get to enjoy life little pleasures. Something we should be thankful for in Singapore.

1) 12 New Covid19 Cases

12 Imported

2 Local cases were detected over the weekend. Both with travel history. The curious thing for one of the case involved a part-time food packer Singapore PR. Within a span of 3 months +, she was allowed to transfer to and from a high-risk country. It is rather odd given that travel advisory had stated that international airline operations remain suspended, except for International repatriation flights. Given the emergence of new variants of unknown effect, the current arrangement should be review.

• 1 (Case 61226) is a Singaporean and 2 (Cases 61222 and 61223) are Singapore Permanent Residents who returned from India and Kazakhstan.
• 3 (Cases 61208, 61218 and 61221) are Dependant’s Pass holders who arrived from the Philippines, South Africa and the US.
• 3 (Cases 61212, 61215 and 61230) are Student’s Pass holders who arrived from India and Indonesia.
• 1 (Case 61213) is a Work Pass holder who arrived from India.
• 12 are Work Permit holders who arrived from Bangladesh, India, Myanmar and the Philippines, of whom 4 (Cases 61210, 61231, 61237 and 61243) are foreign domestic workers. 

Source: MOH

2) Spore Private Doctors question highly exclusive IP Unsurer panels which include many specialists.

They say the panels are "highly exclusive", with private specialists accounting for only 21 per cent of all doctors on the panels of many IP insurers.

Despite paying more for Private Hospitals and care for IP, you may no necessary get the best treatments out there...

Source: ST

3) PSI hits unhealthy level with high level of concentration of ozone in northern Singapore

PSI reading was 114 at 8pm last night due to hight concentrations of ozone.

Lucky we are all wearing masks

Source: ST

4) Singapore tallest outdoor play feature opens at former Big Splash site in East Coast Park

Costal Playgrove is now officially open. Expect a big crowd there this weekend!

PS:  You might want to try other playgrounds along East Coast Park. From what we observed, usually, they would be quieter once a new attraction comes along.

Source: CNA

5) Signalling fault causes morning rush hour delays on  North-South Line

Are you one of those who were caught in the jam?

Delays were up to 45 min at on stage.

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