New Covid19 Restrictions for May - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

New Covid19 Restrictions for May

 New Covid19 measures were introduced over the last 48 hours.

The new measures are a reaction to the discovery of 2 clusters with a total of 20 confirmed community cases as of May 1. New measures were introduced in fast and furious succession. Given that measures were announced at different times, we simplified and compiled the complete list of measures introduced.

Local Measures

1 All Public places visited by the cases will be closed for 2 days of cleaning. The last day should be today.

The full list of public places is listed here.

2 Those who had visited the public places or been to TTSH from 18 April can book for an appointment for a Covid19 Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) test and any of the 'Swab and Send Home' PHPCs, or walk into the following four Regional Screening Centres ( RSCs)

  • Former Da Qiao Primary School 
  • Former Shuqun Secondary School
  • Formal Coral Primary School
  • Former Bishan Park Secondary School

The cost will be fully borne by the Government.

3 Reduce Occupany limit for malls and large standalone stalls to 1 person per 10 sqm of Gross Floor Area, down from 1 person per 8sqm of GFA

Effective 1 to 14 May

4 Odd and Even entry Restrictions on Sundays for popular malls ( Lucky Plaza and Peninsula Plaza) will be reinstated.

Effective 1 to 14 May

5 Outdoor BBQ Pits and campsites will be closed to the public

Effective 1 to 14 May

6 Attractions to operate at 50% operating capacity, a reduction from 65% 

Effective 7-14 May

7 Social gathering limited to 2 per day, whether in household or public places

Groups are to be kept as small as possible. Stick to regular groups. Stay home when unwell

8 Employers to allow employees to work at home if they are able to. 

Social gatherings at the office should be avoided. Flexible work hours  recommended

9 Singapore Rediscover Voucher to extend to Dec 31 2021

This extension came amidst the slew of restrictions. Is this a premonition of what is to come?

10 12 Hospitals introduce entry restrictions on those who have been to Tan Tock Seng Hospital's inpatient ward.

If you had been to TTSH from Apr18, you might be denied visitation to other hospitals. Check here for the full list and conditions.

Border Control

Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to be restricted

Effective May 1 2359, all long term pass holders and short term visitors with recent travel history ( including transit) to the above countries in the last 14 days will not be allowed entry or transit through Singapore. This applies to those who had obtained prior approval for entry into Singapore.


All travellers from Thailand entering Singapore from 2 May 2359 with a travel history of 14 days to Thailand will be required to serve 14 days Stay Home Notice at dedicated SHN facilities. They will no longer be allowed to opt-out.

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