Public Places visited by TTSH Cluster to close for 2 days - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Public Places visited by TTSH Cluster to close for 2 days


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A message by Gov.SG stated that public places that were visited by cases for TTSH Cluster will be closed for 2 days.

Below are the places visited.


For those who have visited these public places or been to TTSH from 18 April onwards, the Ministry of Health is offering tests to mitigate the potential risk of community spread.

From 3 to 16 May, these individuals may book an appointment for a COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test at any of the “Swab and Send Home” (SASH) PHPCs, or walk in to one of the following four Regional Screening Centres (RSCs):

  • Former Da Qiao Primary School
  • Former Shuqun Secondary School
  • Former Coral Primary School
  • Former Bishan Park Secondary School

The cost of these tests will be fully borne by the Government, and all these individuals are encouraged to get tested.PU

Do take note if you are heading to these places over the weekend.

Stay safe!

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