What mask should you wear for COVID-19 new variant B16172? - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

What mask should you wear for COVID-19 new variant B16172?


A year ago, there was a debate if a mask is effective against Covid-19.

We could safely say that it is effective. At least that's what most residents would think so. 

With the new Covid19 variant, wearing the RIGHT mask is even more important.

MOH had come up with new guidelines for the use of masks. A mask with better filtration efficiency will help mitigate the increased risks of transmission and infection. These include reusable masks that are made of at least 2 layers of fabric and surgical masks. 

Base on the recommendation, these are the masks you could use.

Surgical Masks

Surgical masks are the gold class of mask if you get the right kind.  Choose those with 3 ply protection and rated  BFE or PFE of  95%. You can check out the review of Marvel Medical masks here with a 99,98% BFE. We had been using it and found that it is a comfortable fit.


  • Able to capture respiratory droplets from the user. Good for those who are unwell
  • Helps to prevent hands to mouth transmission
  • Affordable


  • Does not capture airborne virus if loosely fitted
  • The virus can also transmit via eyes through touch.
  • The virus may transmit if misused. E.g., removal of the mask through the patch area instead of the ear loops and subsequently touching the face
  • Time use only


Masks given out by Peoples Association or Temasek Foundation

Remember the free masks you collected?

They will come in very handy now.

Masks such as the DET30, Proshield, and Livingard Masks are the ones to wear.

N95 masks

While N95 masks are deemed to effectively filter airborne particles and are used by medical staff, they are not recommended for general use. Wearing one for the long term may be uncomfortable. If worn incorrectly, it may even be difficult to breathe in. 

Nonetheless, if you find one that is a comfortable fit, it will be considered the diamond class for mass

What not to wear

Single or double-ply surgical masks

When getting a surgical mask, do choose the right one. A single-ply or doubly ply mask without the filtration in between is pretty useless against Covid19. These masks are usually used at the beauty parlour. They may look like surgical masks, but they are not.

Single-layer Cloth Mask

Cloth Mask tends to absorb and not repel viruses. Good for smog, bad for virus.

Some had stated that a double layer cloth mask is sufficient. We think to battle the new strain, use one with a filter in between. Most reusable masks are made of cloth.

Masks with exhalation valves 

A mask with exhalation may be more comfortable, but use them for hazy days instead. Droplets may escape through these value and an infected person wearing this may pass the virus to those around when coughing or sneezing.

Drink Mask

These masks have a hole in them for drinking. The hole also allows the virus to enter or exit at will.

Best Mask Free Solution

The best solution is to protect yourself against Covid-19 is a mask free one.

Stay at home as much as possible. Avoid unnecessary trips to crowded places. 

Stay home, stay safe.

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