Where Can You Learn About Stock Trading in Singapore? - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Where Can You Learn About Stock Trading in Singapore?

Trading overall is not an easy thing to learn, especially if you’re looking into more conventional types, such as stock trading. 

Even though Secure crypto exchange and Forex trading are very popular at the moment, it’s clear that professional traders, or at least the experienced ones, will want to try stock trading as well.

But how can one learn about stock trading in Singapore? Most countries don’t come with dedicated, in-person training programs to help the trader community. As such, people often rely on online sources and, naturally, on their broker of choice.

Let’s take a closer look into the resources one must consider if they want to learn about stock trading in Singapore!

The Stock Broker

If you’re a brand-new trader within the market, then a stock broker will likely contain most of the information that you need for the moment, before you start trading. Naturally, they won’t introduce you to terms such as relative strength index and so on, but they’ll show you the basics of trading – how to buy and sell stocks, in short.

However, this information is to be set aside and used later. Before actually buying and selling, you have to learn how to trade stocks.

Singapore Management University

Those that really want to learn more about stock trading can acquire a certificate in financial trading from SMU, one of Singapore’s universities. This is one of the straightforward approaches, so to say.

A fee is required and, upon being accepted, you will begin to study trading and finances, two days a week, for a certain period of time. 

This particular rote might be lengthy and time-consuming for some, but it ensures that all information needed for stock trading – and not only – is properly learnt. 

Free Trading Courses

Of course, people in Singapore also have the option to pick up a free trading course. These are usually provided by trading platforms or website with trading resources. Some of the best free trading courses at the moment are:

  • SGX Academy – SG Exchange is known as the country’s only stock exchange and comes with incredibly dedicated trading courses. Users have the chance to take part in tutorials, comprehensive written guides, webinars, and much more.

  • Dr Wealth – this particular course sets itself aside from the other available by simply providing people with not one but a total of eight completely free courses. These ensure a broader view over the stock market, all the way from foreign stocks up to capital investments and such.

  • Trading With Rayner – last but not least, we have a crash course on stock trading. If you think you lack knowledge when it comes to common terms, then this is the course for you. It contains an introduction to overall trading, then slowly getting into the specifics of stock trading.

Naturally, there are more free trading courses available, from brokers and not only. We recommend taking a look at The Systematic Trader, Wealth Academy, and Value Investing College as well.

The Bottom Line

Learning to trade is not an easy task, especially if you start from zero. The sheer number of financial/trading terms is sometimes too much for the common folk to handle, if we may say so.

However, with enough power of will and dedication, no stock will remain unconquered!

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