Timezone Parkway Parade is back!

This is the 3rd time that Timezone has made a return to Parkway Parade. It is now located on the 3rd floor. You can find it in between Daiso and our current favourite Supermarket NTUC Fairprice Xtra.
3rd Time's a Charm?
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A few months ago, Timezone has announced the closure of the outlet in the
basement. At that time, we thought that the outlet was closed due to the low
traffic from Covid19. Fast forward today, Timezone has once again made its
appearance at Parkway Parade. We do have a soft spot for Timezone as this was
the place where we first discovered the arcade many years back.
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They were famous for their racing games and we are glad that it is back at
Parkway. Other than racing games, Timezone has also a collection of arcade
carnival games where you pit skills and luck to win tickets to exchange for a
prize. Compared to Cow Play Cow Moo and Fat Cat Arcade, the games here are
pricer ( at around $3 per play as opposed to $1 per play). In terms of tickets
wise, it is also more difficult to accumulate tickets due to the smaller
jackpots on offer. Understandably, it tends to attract a smaller crowd as
compared to other places.
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For clay machine fans, there is the giant x-treme where you can catch big
plushies. There are also a handful of smaller machines for those who prefer
smaller catches.
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There is also a mini social bowling. At the time of writing, they are still
setting up the place.
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Birthdays at Timezone used to be a fun time for the young ones. With Covid19, this had changed.
Nonetheless, there is a party room at Parkway Parade Timezone. Perhaps when we
return to normal, it can be used again.
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As for the prize area, it is not very big but decent enough. For 100 points,
you could redeem a snack. There are also bigger toys as well as electronic
items for you to redeem.
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We can't wait to try out the games at Timezone. When the COVID-19 numbers stabilise, we will give it a go.
Timezone Parkway Parade
80 Marine Parade Road
yo my childhood