MAS 12 week Bill closed at 4.35% - 6 months T bills may cross 4%! - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

MAS 12 week Bill closed at 4.35% - 6 months T bills may cross 4%!


Interest rates are shooting up in Singapore.

The latest MAS 12-week bills for institutions closed at a yield of a whopping 4.35%.

What are T- bills?

 T-bills are short-term Singapore Government Securities missed at a discount to their face value. Investors receive the full face value at maturity. The bills are AAA-rated, and returns are tax-exempt. They are considered to be the safest asset class for cash. You can also used CPF to invest. The minimum sum is $1000. 

In layman's terms, you lend money to Govt, and they pay you back the principal with interest. So if you lend them $98, they will pay you $100 by the end of the term.

Find out how you can invest in T Bills here.

For retail investors, you can invest in 6-month or 1-year T bills. 4 weeks and 12 weeks of T bills are only open to institutions. You can assess the rates for 6 and 12 months based on their trend.

12 Weeks T Bills Trend vs 6 Months T Bills Trend

12 Weeks T Bills

Past Results


12 Weeks T Bills

6 Months T Bills

23 Sep



29 Sep



11 Oct



13 Oct



As you can see, the 6 months yield follows closely with the 4 weeks yield. If the yield is at 4.35% for 4 weeks, expect a yield above 4% for this month's auction on 27 Oct 2022.

The upcoming 6-month T bills will be auctioned on 27 Oct 2022. Some banks will close the application 1-2 days before the auction date. This means you may still have a chance to get them if you opt for a cash purchase. 

Will you bid for it?

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