Texas Chicken giving away 'Aliexpress' Chicken Bag : Long Queues everywhere
Cock -a - doodle -do
Texas Chicken is giving away a Chicken Bag for every purchase of their 13th-anniversary meals starting from Apr 16.
They claimed it was an exclusive bag and even featured on Mothership. This successful promotion led to long queues around Singapore. Queues can be seen at several outlets across Singapore.
@the.wacky.duo Gor our Free Chicken Bag with every Texas Chicken Anniversary meal. Starts Apr 16. While stocks last. #thewackyduo #texaschicken #chickensong #viralvideo #foryou #chickenbag ♬ The Chicken Song (Tchip Tchip) - The Dancing Chickens
While the promotion was successful, many did not get their hands on the chicken bags due to limited stock.
As anticipated, scalpers began hawking their prized chickens at $30 to $50.
For Chicken Bag fans, there are bad news and good news.
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The Bad news is that the Chicken Bags are sold out at all Texas Chicken outlets by the time you read this.
The Good news is that these 'exclusive' bags can be found on Aliexpress for less than $10. The main difference is that they do not have a Texas Chicken label, otherwise, it is an almost perfect copy. You can even have a choice of four different colour bags.
It is a tad sad that Texas Chicken chooses an OEM product that can be purchased from online shops and branded as exclusive. Unlike McDonald's Pichaku Carrier promotion, this gimmick made Texas Chicken look unoriginal. While it is good value, promoting it as an 'Exclusive' product when it is not kindof cheapens the deal.
Nontheless, if you still want the chicken bag, get it from this link.
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