Haze May Return to Singapore : What should you prepare? - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Haze May Return to Singapore : What should you prepare?

After a few years of absence, there are concerns that haze might return to Singapore.

According to news report, the Inter-Agency Haze Task Force (HTC) is reportedly taking proactive measures to prepare for potential haze episodes. The forecast for the year's second half indicates the development of El Niño conditions, which may lead to drier and warmer weather in Singapore and the surrounding region from June to October. These conditions increase the risk of haze due to the potential for peatland and vegetation fires. 

As a precautionary measure, here are a few things you can do to prepare:

N-95 Masks

Mask-wearing in Singapore may return due to haze. Forget about the stockpile of surgical masks you have. If you are heading outdoors for a prolonged period due to haze, N-95 masks are preferred. According to MOH, the more comfortable KF94 is a good alternative. To prepare yourself, you should get a box or two now instead of waiting for it to happen and getting at inflated prices when it occurs.

Indoor Activities

From office team building to spending time with children, we would have to adjust and plan for more activities indoors should a prolonged haze situation arises.

Prepare your Work From Home essentials.

Set aside space on your desktop. Work from Home or Home Based Learning may happen if the haze persists.

Get an Air purifier

If you don't already have an air purifier, now might be a good time to consider getting one. Air purifiers were in high demand during previous haze episodes, so it's wise to ensure yours is in working condition or start shopping for one if needed.

While it's uncertain whether haze will occur, given the prevailing weather conditions, it's better to be prepared than caught off guard. Let's hope that any potential haze is not as severe as the 2013 episode, where visibility dropped to less than 1 km. Stay informed and take necessary precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones. Be Prepared rather than Be Sorry!

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