COE July 2023 2nd Bid Results - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

COE July 2023 2nd Bid Results


COE Sep 2nd Bidding results are out

All Cars categories went up. Cat E closes at an all time high of $144,640

Cat A (Cars up to 1600cc) had 864 bids vs a quota of 651 and increased by $4000. It closed at $105,000

Cat B (Cars above 1600cc) had 735 bids vs a quota of 496  and increased by $6,000. It closed at $140,889

Cat C (Goods, Vehicle and Bus) had 153 bids vs a quota of 114 and increased by $912. It closed at $83,801

Cat D (Motorcycles) had 639 bids vs a quota of 502  and decreased by $201. It closed at $10,700

Cat E (Open Category) had 282 bids vs a quota of 153 and increased by $7,640. It closed at $144,640

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