Pink Moon: Best Time to Catch the Supermoon on 24 April. - - Singapore Wacky Digital Underground Outpost

Pink Moon: Best Time to Catch the Supermoon on 24 April.


If the moon looks big on April 24, it is because it is a supermoon.

April SuperMoon is known as Pink Moon. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Pink Moon is NOT actually Pink. It is known as such because it originates from the pink wildflowers that bloom in early spring. If you see any photos with the moon PINK, they have probably been edited.

These are the timings to note, according to Stargazing Singapore.

Moon Rise: 7.23 pm
100 Illumination: 7.50om
Visible at Horizon by 7.45pm if skies are clear
Direction: South Eastern Sky

If you plan to take a shot of the moon, it is best to do it with a Telephoto lens on a tripod and take it with a building in the foreground. You might end up with a shot like this!

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