Happy 47th Birthday Singapore : Loving Singapore, Our Home - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Happy 47th Birthday Singapore : Loving Singapore, Our Home

National Day Series - Happy Birthday Singapore!
Today it is our nation's 47th year after Independence
We would like to wish Singapore a Happy 47th Birthday!

The theme for this year's national day is "Loving Singapore, Our Home".
"Loving Singapore" encourages Singaporeans to reflect on what it means to love our country, what we appreciate about Singapore and how we can express our love for our nation.
This year, we started to explore Singapore beyond the malls and playgrounds. We appreciate what Singapore had been and had grown over the years.  From a perceived lack lustre little red dot, the country has grown in vibrancy and vigour. We find ourselves with many different and new experiences in our weekly escapades. Singapore is a mix of new and old, and if we look hard enough, we will notice it is a great place for raising kids. Just take a look at our segment Explore Singapore to discover the many hidden treasures of our homeland. I would dare say that we have only started our discovery of Singapore.

Mummy was once asked : What do you do during weekends?
Her reply : There is nothing much to do in Singapore, its so boring.

She would gladly take her words back now...

"Our Home" expresses the fundamental reason why we love our country.
Singapore is where our young roots are sow.

On this day, We are proud to be called a Singaporean. This is where we were born, where our dreams are build, where our lives are lead. This is where we call "Our Home"

Celebrating our Nation's Birthday
We had the opportunity to experience National Day through many ways.  As part of Marina Bay AmBAYssadors, we also had the privilege of participating in events leading up to National Day. We appreciate the experiences and opportunities that we had.

Our activities
Marina Bay AmBAYssadors

Although we did not get the parade tickets this year, we hope that we will get the chance to experience the parade for 2013.  In the meantime, we will enjoy the parade from the TV.

We wish for more good years for Singapore. 
For peace , for harmony,  for prosperity . 
For one nation, for one Singapore. 

We are proud to be Sons of Singapore!

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