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WowArt - Double Pleasure

It has been 2 weeks now that my brother has joined me. He is in the Art Alive class while I am in the Art Play class. With him around, my confidence has doubled. In fact my initial resistance shown in the earlier weeks disappated with my brother's presence. My borther may not be in the same class, but seeing how he is enjoying himself, I would attempt to do the same for my classes.

The Necklace
We had been using 'balls' as the commo linm in this segment of our lessons. It is interesting to note that WowArt would use the 'same ball' in different classes to allow the students to experiment with different art form. It also shows the student that you can be creative with Art. Using different mediums, you can create different designs freely.
The lesson begans as how it did, with Daddy beside me. For today we will be making a necklace.
Daddy was able to sneak out for about 15 minutes before I decided I need him back in the class. Nevertheless I was happy to be able to showcase my necklace to brother at the end of the class.
And as for Kor Kor, he had a better first class experience than me. You can tell from the glee on his face and his new 'tattoo' .
Happy boy
Hand Print
The following week, the lesson is on handprint. We are supposed to created put own handprint on clay and decorate them.
This time round, I managed to survive without Daddy for half the class. In fact I was enjoying the class so much that I did not realised his 'toilet break ' was so long! Perhaps he had a bad breakfast in the morning.
Perhaps I was quite hands on today. I had to imprint my little hand, decorate it, paint it and dry it on my own. With continuous work to be done, it made me concentrate on the task at hand and I did not even notice Daddy long absence.
Decorate, paint and dry
A the end of the class, I was proud to show what I had done to Daddy.
Look Daddy , my hand!
As for Kor Kor, he was concentrating as hard as me during his class.
Artist at work
Daddy was impressed with his work. This is his second piece and one of the better art work he had done compared to the past. It was only a short 2 lessons, but you can tell he had picked up things such as perspective and colours in this lesson alone.
We have about 2 more months of classes between us in Wowarts. It is definately more interesting sharing this experiences with Kor Kor. Can't wait to see if I can progress to last a full lesson on my own in the coming weeks!
One more breakthrough for the week... I finally put on my apron !!!
Follow my Wowart experiences.
Read about my first experience at Wowart
Wowart - The learning continues
Happy brothers

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