Olympus OM-D EM-1: First impression - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Olympus OM-D EM-1: First impression

Olympus OM-D EM-1 with 12-40mm f2.8


The OM-D EM-1 has landed in Singapore!

When TheWackyDuo.com first started, it ignited my passion in writing. In addition to this, I discovered I love photography especially when it comes with taking photos of the boys. I am no professional, but I love how the photos turn out with my current set up.

I had started with a canon Dslr and proceed with the micro 4/3 system, which I had fallen in love with. With a size and weight at 1/3 of a Dslr, this system provides me the convenient with juggling a kid with one hand while manipulating for a shot in the other. My foray into the the micro 4/3 bought me to the much loved OMD EM5.

Up boxing the OMD
Before I proceed, this is not a review. To set the record straight, this is not a camera blog either. This is just a short note to remind myself of what I choose as a work tool to beautify this journal.
As good as the previous system was, it was missing some technical features and showing its age and limitation. For example it could not shoot bokeh under bright lights due to the shutter speed. However the OM-D EM-1 is able to do so with its 1/8000 shutter speed.

This is just one of the many reasons why my head is turn to the new toy workhorse.
Olympus OMD EM1 with Olympus 12-40mm f2.88
It had been over a year, but since photography became my main hobby and only indulgence, I had invested into a few lenses to the system. Currently I have the kit lens 12-50mm, the 'Bokeh King' Panasonic Lecia 25mm f1.4,the 'Wide Eye' Panasonic 7-14mm f4 and the 'Mr Everyday' Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8.
"Wide Eye" , " Bokeh King ", " Mr Everyday"
Along with the new EM-1, I had opted for the new kit Lens 12-40mm 2.8. It will eventually be the everyday lens replacing the Panasonic. In fact I will be saying farewell to the Olympus kit lens and the Panasonic 12-35 with this arrival. Given the high price tag of the new Omd, an offset from the old lens would be most welcome.

In terms of IQ, I had read it is almost similar to the current OMD. However I am not a gear nut, I think the best camera is the one you would use regardless. I don't think better gear make me a better photographer, but it does make me strive to be one.
Body and Lens

Back to the camera.
The other reason why I invested is the wifi capabilities of the camera. With the ability to transfer to iPad or Android, it would aid in creating more on the road posts. Other features that had improved include focus peaking , 81 focal points vs 35 in the older model, useable continuous AF, timelapse capability, no AA filter for sharper pictures, colour creator, more customised options with extra buttons and knobs on the camera. All these is a step up from the EM-5 and thus worth the switch. If you have 4/3 lens, you would probably love the new focus capabilities of the EM-1 ( which means more lens to choose from)

There are many more features, but the above are what matters to me.
OM-D EM-1 exposed
Did I mention I love the new larger EVF?


Well let's say squinting into the camera is a thing of the past with this 2,300,000 dot EVF.

With a ready set of lens that can be use on the OM-D EM-1, this is another positive for the camera. Moreover this kit comes with the highly acclaimed Olympus 12-40mm that is only available with the package. A big plus any day.

OMD EM1 and Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8
However not all are positive in this system. In terms of IQ, it may not be a noticeable step up. The pictures are suppose to be sharper due to the lack of an AA filter, but I had not tested this yet.

Moreover this big brother is chunkier at 497g vs the smaller 425g of its smaller brethren. Lastly , my start with this relationship had got off on the wrong foot. I had to return my set for another due to some defects in the shutter (Thus accounting for the lack of pictures from it in this post). Nonetheless every love deserve a second chance no matter what the flaw.

OMD EM1 and Panasonic 7-14mm f4
In the photography world, the smaller sensor had often been seen as inferior to full frame. With Sony introducing a full frame camera on a similar size body at similar pricing at the same time, it overshadowed this new gem. However the small body of the Sony A7 and the current large + expensive full frame lens are not the ideal couple. Moreover with no IBIS and slower autofocus , this may not be suitable for Mr ' Shakey Hands' .

That said, the current ecosystem of the micro 4/3 is more matured than the full frame set up in this aspect. The lens line up has evolved into an amazing array of affordable primes and zooms. Thus the main reason for me to keep the faith in micro 4/3.

As for the photos images from this camera, just follow this blog. I promise there will aplenty in time to come.

In case you need a technical perspective , which yours truely is underwhelm in , do visit the following sites for a comprehensive review. Personally I think these gurus are top in their class and are good for their reference

Steve Huff
Robin Wong
Ming Thien
DP Review

Ok, rant over. Back to normal transmission tomorrow!

This is not a sponsored post but Olympus, I wish it was!
Most Photos taken with the trusty OMD EM5 with Panasonic Lecia 25mm f1.4


  1. Interesting! :) looking forward to see the pictures!

    1. I had to exchange my set. Hopefully it can arrive before the weekend :)


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