Adieu 2016 : A Blog Recap - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Adieu 2016 : A Blog Recap

Source : Shutterstock

2016 had come and go.

Another year had gone past us. Time may fly by us, but not the memories. Here is a recap of what we had done in 2016

Toy Story Tokyo Disneysea

Jan was a relatively slow month as it was back to school for the boys. This was also the time where we play catch up, in terms of jotting down our overseas experiences from Toy Story ride in Tokyo Disneysea to Meriton Board beach apartment review. It was a sobering month too as we shared our experience on what to do when a loved one pass away.

Reunion Dinner

It's Chinese New Year!

We had to visit the Dahlia Dreams Floral display in Flower Dome to soak in the atmosphere. We reflected on the significance of Reunion Dinner and attended our first Chingay. Our holidays recap continued with a visit to Tokyo Dome City , Cup Noodles Museum and National Museum of Nature and Science Tokyo. In between, we were glad to know that we had been selected as one of the Top 100 Parenting Blog in the world by Feedspot (Alterative to Google Reader). That did not stop us from complaining about the lack of time to interact with the kids due to primary school demands and schedules.

Uncle Ringgo

With a one week school holidays looming, it was back to activities galore. We maximised the vacation with a trip to iLights Marina Bay to have fun at the Uncle Ringo fair. Other activities we did include, a visit to the multi-attraction Orto for our first prawning activity, a dip at Sandbank's pool, experience Easter Eggstravaganza in USS, a visit to Mosh and scout the outskirts of town to check out the animal resort.

One week holiday is too never too short to create memories!


On April, there was a significant change in the PSLE system in Singapore. With a child in primary school being affected by it, we just had to talk about it. Even though school holidays had ended, it did not stop us from visiting Katapult trampoline park, catch our favourite SRT group performing Hanuman, tulipmania in Flower Dome, Diggersite at East Coast and celebrated Mother's day at Fish & Co iconic Glass House @ Park Mall.

Splash @ Kidz Amaze

May was a relatively slow month as exam takes the limelight. Still, we eked out time to explore the new SAFRA Splash@ Kidz Amaze. Given the lull period, I took time took time off to reflect about raising a pair of boys. Being fans of LEGO, we also did a review on the LEGO DISNEY MINIFIGURE and provided  tips on why LEGO should be a toy and not investments for adults.

Kidzania Singapore
It's the school holidays and we were off to Perth. Before we do that, we made sure that there were posts to keep our readers entertain. The one post that caught the reader's eye was Kidzania Singapore Full guide and review.

Perth Self Drive

It was a habit that is too hard to break.

We just love sharing our holidays' escapade. Our week-long self-drive break in Perth was simply too fun not to share. It's a nature trip without themeparks and manmade attractions. The trip up to Pinnacles, limestone caves in Margaret River and Whale Watch in Augusta are some of our highlights for the trip. Getting back to Singapore, we explore the new Marine Cove Playground and tried the new Mcdonald's local menu. Given that we were out of town for a while, it was great that we had the Dyson v8 fluffy to clean up the dirt that had piled up at home.

Whale Watch Augusta

We had an encounter with a stranger in the car and that taught us a valuable lesson in life. This year National Day was a rather muted affair for us. For the rest of the month, we kept dreaming about whales in Augusta and the surreal Pinnacles in Perth.

Haven Ipoh

September came and we head off to Ipoh for a slice of Haven. You want to know what Ipoh has in store for kids? Wonder no more, as we share tips on how to enjoy Ipoh with kids. This month, the resident Daddy  decided to bare his soul with  a week in the shoes of a Daddy Blogger.


We usually plan our year-end trips much earlier so we decided to share our tips on planning a holiday with kids.  In between there was a tasty treat from Timbre and we caught the world number one woman Tennis player in action at the WTA Finals Singapore.


November marked the end of school. For the family, it also meant the younger one would graduate from pre-school and embark on Primary School next year. For us, school results are not our top priority, as we prefer the kids to do it at their own pace. It was also time to analyze our parenting style and we thought the good cop, bad cop parenting is a cop out. With Christmas coming up,  we attended our first gingerbread workshop.


It is already December?
Does it mean it is time to say goodbye to 2016?

Before we do that, we shared our top staycations destinations in Singapore. We managed to squeeze in a trip to HK and visited the sparkling Christmas in HK Disneyland. The boys even had Jedi Training there. Back home, we soak in the Christmas spirit with USS Santa's All Star Christmas. We did visit Korea in between, but we are leaving that for next year. If you would like to follow our adventures, do follow us on Instagram.

Lastly, we would like to end the year with a bang, so do check out the best places to watch tonight's New Year Eve's Fireworks.

Source : Shutterstock

Till then ADIEU 2016 and HOLA 2017!


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