Food Recipe for Dads : Baked Beans and Bacon - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Food Recipe for Dads : Baked Beans and Bacon

It has been a while since Daddy stepped into the kitchen.

Being a novice cook, he had limited opportunities to practise his culinary skills. In the past, he had tried cheesy egg bacon muffin and cheesy egg bacon boat. This time around, he would attempt to make Bacon and Beans -  a favourite comfort snack.

To cook beans from the start will be too much for this newly minted cook. Instead, he had opted for a much simpler solution - Canned Baked Beans from Ayam Brand. There are a variety of beans to choose from. You can opt for classic or light or vegetarian. There are plenty of more options here. Baked beans are great to eat on their own. Add Bacon to the mix and it will be awesome!

This recipe is easy to make and dummy-proof. You do not have to be a chef to make a simple yet delicious treat. The whole process takes only 10 minutes to prepare with another 20 minutes of cooking time.

1) Prepare 'extra' ingredients'

Baked beans on their own are good, but added ingredients will make it great

- Pour baked beans into a bowl
- Add 2 teaspoon of brown sugar
- Add 2 teaspoon of tomato ketchup

You can add mustard and vinegar to add to the taste depending on which baked beans to use

2 Preheat Oven to 180 degree

3 Place Beans mixture into oven for about 20 minutes

Remember to cover the plate when it is inside the oven.

4 Cooked bacon till crisp

Prepare bacon according to serving size. We are preparing a meal for 2 so we took about 4 slices of bacon. Shallow fried bacon till crisp on low fire for about 8-10 mins.

5 Cut bacon into smaller bits and mix it with the cooked beans

In 5 easy steps, you have a snack to enjoy. Add rice and a fried egg and it will make a decent dish

The meal is easy to prepare and great for the occasional cook (aka Dad). Can't wait for his next dish!


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