15 Key Changes in Singapore from 2020 - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

15 Key Changes in Singapore from 2020

Welcome to 2020

As we head into the new decade, get ready for a slew of changes that will impact you. From CPF rules to PMD to even Netflix, here are the 20 key changes you should note in Singapore

1 E Scooters to be banned from the footpath. Bans to be enforced
Source: LTA

E Scooters have officially been banned from footpaths since Nov 5. However, you do see a couple of e scooters around as the law was not strictly enforced. From 1 Jan 2020, the honeymoon will officially be over. Anyone caught doing so will be fined up to $2000 and jailed up to 3 months. Do not try to ride on grass patch too or even above sheltered walkways. They are banmed too.

 2 CPF Basic Healthcare Sum to increase to $60,000 for those under 65

It had been a well-known fact that the Basic Healthcare Sum had been increasing steadily every year. From 2020, this will be raised from $57,200 to $60,000

3 Singaporeans on CPR Retirement Sum Scheme will get higher monthly CPF payouts
Previously RSS payout age was cap at 95. It will be reduced to 90 from 1 Jan 2020. Singaporeans with under $60,000 in their CPF retirement account 6 months before 65th birthday fall under RSS. That meant that one would expect higher payout with a reduced number of years.

4 CPF Retirement Sum to increase
If you turn 55 in 2020, do note that the Basic Retirement Sum will be increased from $88,000 to $90,500. The Full retirement sum has also increased from $176,000 to $181,000.

5 GST Payable on Digital services from overseas providers

From 1 Jan 2020, you would see an increase in your subscriptions to digital subscriptions like Netflix, Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft 365, Spotify, Apple and more.

6 Pre-school subsidy quantum and income ceiling to increase.
Good news for parents with preschool children. From 1 Jan 2020, both subsidy amount as well as qualifying income ceilings to raise. The monthly income ceiling for additional subsidies will raise from $7500 to $12000.

You can get more information from Early Childhood Development Agency  (ECDA)here

Source: ECDA

Source: ECDA

Source: ECDA

7 Thomson East Coast Line 1 to open 
Source: SMRT

There will be an open house on 11 Jan 2020, before the line officially opens. During the Open House, visitors can take free ride between the three TEL  1 Stations - Woodlands North, Woodlands and Woodlands South. TEL will open in stages from 2020

8 Free Passports for Babies
Initially, it had been announced that the application fee of $70 will be waived for babies born on or after January 1 2020. It had since included babies born in 2019

9 More help for assisted reproduction
There will be more help for couples to receive financial support for assisted reproduction. From 1 Jan, eligible couples going through intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatment will receive the assistance of up to 75 per cent, capped at $1000 per treatment cycle for a maximum of 3 cycles. The age limit of 45 and the number of assisted reproduction technology cycles (ART) has been lifted. Prior to this, it was a maximum of 10 cycles up to the age of 40.

10 Smoking age raised to 20

From 1 Jan 2020, you can hold a gun if you are 19, male and serving the army, but you cannot smoke.  The smoking minimum age will be raised to 20. Offenders will be fined up to $300 while retailers who are sold any tobacco products below the minimum age could be fined up to $5000 for the first offence and $10000 for subsequent offences.

11 Watch where you throw the cigarette butts
From Jan 1 2020, if you have caused a dangerous fire if that fire occurs within 60 minutes at or near the place where the person 'threw, placed, dropped or deposited anything likely to cause fire unless the contrary is proven' will be punished. This would lead to a fine or 7 years of jail!

12 Drones must be registered

If you are flying drones over 250 g, you have to register them with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore by March or face jail term of 2 years or fine up to $50,000. Repeat offenders can be jailed up to 5 years and fine up to $100,000

If you are into a drone for hobby or photography/videography, you might consider getting the DJI Mavic Mini that comes in at 249g. That way, you do not need to register them.

You can get one here

13 Higher Electricity Tariff for SP Group users in Q1
If you have not switched to an Open Electricity Market (OEM) Supplier, be prepared to pay more from SP services from Jan to March 2020. The electricity tariff will increase by around 3.5 %  (0.81cent per kilowatt-hour)

If you need help in deciding to make a switch, read our tips on how to choose and Open Electricity Market Supplier here. You could save as much as 30% on Electricity bills!

14 Doxxing will be criminalised from Jan 1 2020
Are you a keyboard vigilante?
Doxxing will be criminalised from Jan 1 2020. The publication of personally identifiable information with the intention of harassing, threatening or facilitating violence against some someone will be a new offence.

Legitimately sharing information, such as posting videos of an incident to give a factual account of the incident or to seek help identifying the perpetrators of crimes are ok, but to deliberately out a person with the intention of harassment may be a crime. Offenders could face a fine of up to $5000 or a jail term of up to 12 months depending on their cause for doxxing.

15 Election to come in 2020?

Singapore's next parliamentary general election must be held by 15 April 2021. The last 4 elections were held within a 5-year term. Given that the last election was in 2015, 2020 is looking to be an interesting year for Singapore on the political front.

Are you ready for 2020?

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