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The Debate

GE 2020 debate took over Covid19.

The talk of the town was 'the debate' among 4 political parties. Some shots were fired, some misfired. In the course of it, one man stood out.

1) 215 new cases confirmed

201 Dorms
10 community 6( Singapore, 4 Work Permit Holders
4 imported cases

Today, the results threw in a few surprises. Imported cases jumped back to 4. With 3 Singapore/PR and 1 work permit holder. While the 3 SC/PR are returning residents, the case of a Work Permit Holder imported is a curiosity. The Work Permit case is held at Tanjong Pagar Terminal and this might be one that had returned from work in the sea.

As for community cases, 5 SC were unlinked. The jump in unlinked cases could signal that spread had been ongoing in the community undetected. As for the Work Permit cases, as we stated in the past, there should be mass testing for this batch since it had been apparent that the Stay Home Notice during circuit breaker had been ineffective in curbing the spread in this group

2) 78  more migrant workers dorms cleared of Covid19, 87000 migrant workers cleared as of Sunday  

With 320,000 workers in the dorm, this number only reflects 1/4 of the dorms.  Base on the situation report on 1 July, There were 41K cases out of 87K. If the rate of infection persists for the rest of the population, there is a possibility of additional 120K cases added to the overall tally.  The numbers would most likely be lower as the initial tests were done on those with symptoms and association. Nonethless, the possibility cannot be ruled out.

3) Covid Measures for Polling Day

The main important points as follows
- Bring your original valid NRIC/passport as well as the Poll Card or ePoll Card to facilitate checks by election officials.

- Check the recommended time for voting allotted to you. Voters will be given a recommended two-hour voting time-band, which will be indicated on the poll card and e-Poll card on the SingPass mobile app. This is to spread out voters across polling hours.

- They need to sanitise their hands and wear disposable gloves before receiving a ballot paper. After voting, they are to dispose of their gloves at the exit. This will minimise the risk of contaminating the self-inking “X” pen, which will be used by other voters or ballot papers, which will be handled by counting assistants.
Voters may also bring their own pens to mark the ballot papers.

- Those issued with SHN and those with fever symptoms will be allowed to vote from 7-8pm. Avoid this time if you are well.

*COVID-19 patients and those in quarantine will not be allowed to vote.

4) 1.4 million Singaporeans to recieve $570 million in GST in August

The benefits include a GST voucher of up to S$300 in cash, which will be credited directly into citizens’ bank accounts from Aug 1.

5) New places visited by Covid19 cases

Includes Funan Mall and Lucky Plaza McDonalds. Do note if you had been to the following locations

Funan Mall at 107 North Bridge Road on June 24 between 10.15am and 11.20am

Northpoint City mall at 930 Yishun Avenue 2 on June 25 between 7.50pm and 8.20pm as well as the Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe and Joe & Dough cafe at the mall on June 28 between 1.20pm and 5.55pm

McDonald’s outlet at Lucky Plaza on Orchard Road on June 28 between 10.40am and 11.30am

GE 2020 
6) GE 2020 debate uncovered a possible gem

While some parties took the debate to their stride, others used is as a mouthpiece to criticize Government. In the end, one man stood out. A relative unknown, WP Jamus shone with his non-aggressive, constructive and realist views. Even PAP Dr Vivian was visually impressed.  A rookie debating with a  4G veteran is like David vs Goliath. In the end, both seem to earn the respect of each other. 

If people had written off Sengkang GRC to the ruling party, it may be a tad premature after the performance of the opposite candidate running in the constituency.

Watch the debate here 

7) Key Battlegrounds for GE 2020

GRC - Aljunied, SengKang, West Coast
SMC - Hougang, Bukit Panjang

Source: TWD

6) Primary 1 registration officially started 
Phase 1 will end today

Source TWD

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