Fort Siloso Review: Singapore Only Preserved Costal Fort - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Fort Siloso Review: Singapore Only Preserved Costal Fort

Fort Siloso is the last Coastal Fort standing in Singapore.

Build in the 1880s on Mount Siloso ( Yes, there was another 'mountain' in Singapore besides Mount Faber!), it is part of Singapore's coastal defence along with Fort Serpong and Fort Connaught. Interestingly, based on an article by Remember Singapore, Fort Siloso is just one of the dozen forts that is built in Singapore. The rest of the Fort are either abandoned or redeveloped. 

Today, it is designated as a Military Museum with the Surrender Chambers and exhibition refreshed in 2017 with an Eleven Story high Skywalk. Best of all, it is free to explore. Given the historical significance and the upgraded facilities, we would have paid admission for entry if there was one. In terms of size, Fort Siloso is much bigger than Fort Denison we had visited at Sydney Harbour. Given its size and heritage, we reckon Fort Siloso is a must explore site when you are in Singapore.

The last time any of us have been to Fort Siloso was back in the days when Monorails were still operating there. With Covid19, our travel wings were clipped, so it is time to explore Singapore instead. Our first venture for the school holidays was Fort Siloso.

The SkyWalk

A 43 meters tall tower awaits. 

Thankfully 2 operating lifts will bring you up to the 2nd floor, which leads you to the 181m Skywalk.  

Stepping out to the viewing deck and you will be rewarded with a panoramic view of  Sentosa island and part of the Keppel area. A 5-minute walk will bring you to an open field, which marks the starting point for you to discover Fort Siloso. 

There are 3 recommended routes (Red, Yellow Blue Zone)  for you to follow. Since this is an unguided tour, we decided to explore on our own.

The main areas to explore would be the Tunnels and Surrender Chambers. There are a total of 3 tunnels of various sizes to see. The Surrender Chambers depicted the surrender of the Japanese to the Allies when the war was over. Other attractions include the Magazines, Guardroom, barracks and Quartermaster. There is also a Sentosa Walking Trail where Singapore's roots are depicted as paintings or displays.

Fort Siloso Introduction

Fort Siloso Introduction

Our first stop after the Skywalk was the Fort Siloso introduction. 

Battery Command Post

On this site, there is the Battery Command Post and Tunnel C. We started by heading upwards to the Battery Command Post. It is a small room overlooking the forest to the sea. 

Tunnel C Complex

Next, we explore Tunnel C Complex, the smallest of the 3 Tunnel complexes on Fort Siloso.

A short flight of steps and we are in what seems to be the ammunition room.

Fort Siloso Square

Fort Siloso Square

We decide to head downwards to Fort Siloso Square. On Fort Siloso Square, you could find big guns on display, Casemates ( Keeping Singapore Strong Video), Tunnel B Complex, 64 Inch Gun Battery.


Keeping Singapore Strong Video

You could watch a short video about the war in Singapore at Casemates

Tunnel B Complex

Tunnel B Complex was more interesting with cartoons and sketches made by Prisoners of Wars

Similar to Tunnel C, there were a couple of wax figures depicting what life is like back during the days of the war. The tunnels are brightly lit so it would not be that scary for younger kids.

For most parts, the displays are static. It will have been more interesting if there are more interactive stations in these areas.

 Store ( The Occupation Years)

After Tunnel B, we headed lower the hill towards the Store. 

The Store is in what looks like a restored barrack. Inside the store is a mini-exhibition showing life during the Occupation years. 

It was interesting to see the artefacts such as banana money and read about what happened in Singapore when it was occupied.

The Engine Room which tells the tale about Special Operations Force 136 was beside the Store. Unfortunately,  it was not open during our visit.

Tunnel A Complex

The highlight of the visit was the largest Tunnel Complex A. Unlike the other 2 complexes, this complex has a more complex system of tunnels. We were told that this complex was used as a POW site during the occupation.

It's a much longer trek down the tunnel compared to the previous 2.

The state of Tunnel A was much less restored compared to Tunnel B and C. When we were there, there was nary a soul in sight. The feeling of walking down these tunnels did bring a little chill. To be honest, we do like this a little better as it adds more anticipation to the exploration. 

You know the saying ' There is light at the end of the tunnel'?

It suits Tunnel A perfectly. Walk towards the end of the tunnel, and you will be greeted with a Fire Director Tower and a big gun pointing towards the sea!

Unlike traditional tunnels, the tunnels of Fort Siloso is well ventilated. That said, it does not provide much concealment as a result of it.

Surrender Chambers

Our last stop was the surrender chambers. Along the path, we pass by more cannons.

The Surrender Chambers reenact the historical scene of both British Surrender and the Japanese Surrender of Singapore. For the generations that came after the war, this is a good reminder of why NS is so important for a small nation like us.

Step into the Surrender Chambers and the first exhibit to greet you is the fall of Singapore. 

Head inwards, and you would see the first Surrender of the British to the Japanese. These wax figures look so realistic that one may get spooked if you are alone here.

The Japanese Surrender Chambers is a much more elaborate display.

Flanking both sides of the room are Japanese soldiers and the Allied Forces. 

A visit to the Surrender Chambers is a must for the younger generation. It serves as a reminder for us to not take peace for granted.

Exiting the chambers, we were greed by more Cannons pointing towards the sea.

Along the way to the exit, we spotted these outdoor figures. There is also the Barracks and Officer Mess that we had missed in the beginning. If you are heading there, turn right at Fort Siloso Introduction to visit these areas before heading down to Silioso Square.

Waves of the Straits

The last part of our exploration was the Waves of the Straits.

This path has interesting murals on walls, roads and rocks, making it look like an outdoor gallery.

With that, we ended up where we started, at the foot of Skywalk. 

For all Singaporeans, Fort Siloso is a must-visit attraction. We had been to UNESCO sites such as Perth Fremantle Prison, and we think Fort Siloso has what it takes to be on the same list.

Getting there

Fort Silos can be reached by Cable Car, Sentosa Beach Shuttle or by car. For those driving, do note the parking fee is $5 per hour. Fort Siloso is located next to Rasa Sentosa, making it an ideal destination for those who are staying there for holidays.

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