12 activities for the SINGAPORE HAZE season - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

12 activities for the SINGAPORE HAZE season

The haze in Singapore had been lingering For the past 2 to 3 weeks. Official forecast indicates that it will stay till November. Instead of moaning and resigned to staying at home, here is a list of 12 places you can go to for a breath of fresh air!

The list is also great for tourists who are here for a bright and sunny experience , but are let down by the haze. There are still plenty of indoor haze free activities one can do in Singapore!

RWS SEA Aquarium

First up is the RWS Sea Aquarium. Somehow being underwater during a hazy day would make you feel like floating in the sky. There is no haze in water, so this makes it the perfect place for a day out. Don't miss the giant viewing gallery and the pool of sharks !

Read our review here.

Singapore Science Center
Kids Stop @ Singapore Science Center
If you want an educational outing, try the Singapore Science Center. You might even pick up on how Haze is form. Complete the trip with a stop at Kids Stop. With lower admission fees for locals, it is a great place to spend a hazy day.

Read our review on Kids Stop

Flower Dome
Flower Dome
Still want to be close to nature even when there is Haze? The flower dome will be your best bet. Enjoy cool crisp air in this air conditioned attraction. No need to thank Indonesia for the 11 months of fresh air they provide from the forest, the Flower Dome would have enough trees to provide fresh air throughout the year.

Alive Museum
Alive Museum
Feeling down on hazy day? Come Alive in Alive Museum. Making funny poses in an air conditioned room may not sound so bad after all.

Read our review here.

Trick Eye Museum
RWS Trick eye Museum
Continue your wackiness at RWS Trick Eye Museum. Consider a combine trip with the Sea Aquarium to maximize your time spend.

Read our review here

Singapore National Museum
National Museum of Singapore
The newly renovated permanent galleries in NMS will be an interesting and educational stop to make. From 'Desire and Danger' to 'Growing up' to Singapore History Gallery' and many more, there will something to discover for every one. If your kids want a place to play, Play @ NMS would be good for little kids.

By the way , it's free for Singaporeans , PRs and kids under 6!

Read our review on Play@ NMS.

See the latest NSM exhibits here.

Singapore Philatelic Museum
Singapore Philatelic Museum
Another museum that would be suitable for kids would be the Singapore Philatelic Museum. A rather smallish museum, it is filled with several interactive exhibits.
For the full list of museums in Singapore, click here.

Read our review on SPM.
Indoor Playgrounds
Indoor Playgrounds
Admit it, kids need to release their energy sometimes. Cooping up in a house will restrict that. Unleash their Kinetic energy in the numerous playground found around Singapore.
Don't know which one to choose?

Our review on Singapore top playgrounds for 2015 might help.

Images of Singapore / Mdm Tussaud's
Mdm Tussaud's
Spend a day with historic figures and celebrities at Mdm Tussaud's . Complete the experience with a surreal visit to Images on Singapore at Sentosa.

Mdm Tussads Review

Images of Singapore Review
Images of Singapore

Go for a Movie

Feeling disgusted and angry about the haze?

Getting a little fearful of its impact?

Being sad about it?

Let Joy come to your life with a trip to the theatre to watch Inside Out. It's an excellent show to being the family to !

Changi Airport
Slide at T 3

Wanting to get away from the haze, but a holiday is almost impossible as kids are still in school?
No matter, do the next best thing by heading out to Changi Airport. There are hidden playgrounds, huge slides, shopping and dining to be discovered at the airport. Here, you can have your little getaway without going away.

Stay at home
Last but not least, stay at home.

Watch Tv, play board games, chit chat , sleep in and be totally lazy. After all you had been heading out week in , week out for the past 11 haze free months, so maybe this is the time to bunker down and stay at home.

Besides , the year end exams are coming, so it may be wise to cut down on extra activities and start your kids' revisions !

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